Chapter 5: Shock

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I'm still trying to process everything that Angela just told me. 

"Bella? Bella please say something" Angela begs biting her lip. 

"So... you're a... witch?" I said finally 

"Well according to my mom I'm an enchantress, but I guess it's the same thing" she said. "

How long have you been a... you know" I said 

"Since I was born. And only my parents and well you know" she said. "Actually Eric knows too"

"You told him?" I ask 

"Well when he told me he loved me... I felt it would be wrong not to give him the whole story" she explains. 

"I know what you mean" I said, and Edward pulled at the back of my mind. "So why did you tell me?" I ask

"Because I know you're in trouble and I can't sit back and let you get hurt anymore. Bella you're my best friend" she said taking my hand. 

"What do you mean anymore?" I ask her 

"It killed me to not tell you what Edward was. Then you got hurt before prom and I knew that it was his fault" she said. "When he left I was relieved I thought you were safe, but then you got so depressed. I wanted to talk to you but I didn't know what to say" she explains. I can tell she'd been dying to tell me all of this. 

"Then you started hanging out with Jake and he bought you back to life" 

Gosh could everyone see it? I feel a little embarrassed. I felt myself blush "so wait you knew about Edward and his family?" I ask her. 

"Yea it's something that comes with the whole enchantress thing. I can sense other supernatural beings" 

"How does that work?" I ask her. 

"It's like a sixth sense, when I first saw them I got this cold feeling like... like death. That's how you know you've got vampires" she said. 

"Does that mean you know about..." I let my sentence trail off 

"I know about Jake too" she admits smiling. "Shape shifters and werewolves give off a warm happy glow" she said. 

"I thought Jake only felt that way to me" I said without thinking. 

"So what really happened to you?" she asks 

"I really was attacked Ang" I said. 

Then I told her the whole story about James and Victoria "so you think this Victoria chick sent that guy after you?" she asks when I'm finished. 

"That's our theory" I said 

"What a bitch" she said 

"That's kind of an understatement" I said laughing. Then Angela goes in her pocket and pulls out a lavender cloth pouch. 

"Here" she said putting the pouch in my hand 

"What's this?" I ask holding the pouch. 

"It's a protective charm" she said

 I open the pouch and shake out a necklace. It's really pretty it's shaped like a rain drop with a figure 8 design in it and in the middle there's a purple gem. 

"I love it" I said putting it on 

"Thanks Ang" I said hugging her I winced slightly as she hugs me back. 

"Sorry" she said pulling away quickly 

"It's not your fault" I said holding my side. 

"Oh that reminds me I've got one more thing for you" she said. She leaves and comes back a few minutes later with a container. 

"This is for your ribs" she said handing me the container. "I made it myself" she said proudly.

"Thanks" I said putting it down on the bed. 

"It feels great to finally tell you" Angela said 

"Thanks for trusting me" I said hugging her. 

"Well it's not like it's the first secret you've kept" Angela said, and we both laugh.

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