Chapter 16: After Party

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A few minutes earlier


Alice's party is going well, despite the warning this vampire Bree gave Bella. I don't like this watching and waiting plan, and I don't think that Victoria is done with Bella just yet. 

"You shouldn't worry so much" Jasper said standing next to me. 

"I can't help it, something bad is about to happen I can feel it" I said looking at Bella and Jacob dance. They're laughing and having fun, they seem to have forgotten the danger here. 

"You shouldn't be so jealous" Jasper said 

"I'm not... it's just... how can they be so calm right now?" I said

"Edward you were gone for months close to a year, Bella's changed. She's learned to live her life despite all the chaos that surrounds her" he said

I know he's right, I had no idea what she was going to be like after all this time. But she's stronger now, being with Jacob, it's given her happiness and a glow that I could have never given her. I know my leaving was just as hard for her as it was for me, but seeing her with Jacob. Maybe Jasper's right I am a bit jealous.

"Stop it" Jasper says sensing my mood. "We're supposed to be keeping an eye out for anything suspicious"

"But I don't think anything's going to happen. At least I haven't seen anything unusual" Alice said skipping next to Jasper. 

"Are you sure?" I ask 

"No, my visions have been a little off lately" she said sighing. 

"Where'd they go?" I said looking at the spot that Bella and Jacob just were. 

"Bella had to use the bathroom" Jasper said, then the lights flicker and the music goes in and out. 

"Uh oh" Alice said 

"I guess their making their move" Jasper said as the lights go out. The music gets louder and then I hear a bunch of windows breaking. People start screaming and running, I hear growling I squint and see a pack of very large animals.

"Are those mountain lions?" Alice asks 

"Very huge mountain lions" Jasper said

"Alice you find Angela and get her somewhere safe, Edward you go check on Jacob and Bella. And I'll try to help everyone down here" Jasper said

We split up and I hurry to the stairs only to get tackled by one of the lions. It pin's me down and claws at my chest. I wiggle one of my arms free.

 "No!" I hear Bella yell from upstairs, then there's the sound of more breaking glass. I hit the lion in the jaw, and hear a satisfying crunching noise. I shove it off of me an as soon as I get to my feet another one hits me.

"You're too late" it thinks. The shock of hearing this throws me off, and the creature flings me across the room and through a wall. When I get up it's moved on to someone else, I look around and see the lions randomly attacking people. Some kids are injured and I notice  with horror that some don't seem to be breathing. 

"Sorry about the mess" a girl said making me turn around. 

"We just needed to keep you guys busy so we could grab Bella" she said 

"Make them stop!" I yell

"Don't you want to-" 

"These kids are innocent!" I yell

"So what? We could care less about the lives of a few humans" she said smiling. 

"Are you really doing all of this for Victoria?" I ask 

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