Chapter 15: Graduation Party

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Somehow I managed to get my diploma and look happy and relaxed. "Congratulations Baby!" Charlie said finding me in all the commotion. 

"Thanks dad" I said hugging him 

"I'm so proud of you honey!" Renee said taking her turn and hugging me. "Let's see it!"

 I unfold my diploma and hold it up. Renee and Charlie look at it with tears in their eyes and talk amongst themselves. 

"Congratulations" Jacob said in my ear wrapping his arms around my waist. 

"Thanks" I said Jake turns me around so I can face him

"What's wrong?" he asks

"How did you-" 

"I know what you sound like when your freaked" he said 

"Not now later okay. We still have to get through dinner with my parents" I said 

"Fine at the party then" he said 

"Promise" I said then I kiss him quickly before introducing him to Renee. 

Alice left before us to put the finishing touches on the party. I end up talking to pretty much everyone and take pictures with them. All my 'friends' from when I first moved here were feeling sentimental. Apparently they've forgiven me for any and all past behavior. After we leave the school we go to The Lodge which is pretty much the only formal restaurant in town. So of course it's crowded, we end up sitting with Ang and Eric's parents. I managed to eat and keep up a conversation with anyone who talks to me. 

But I could tell Ang knew that something was wrong but I know she won't ask until we're alone. After dinner our parents go home and Jasper picks us up to take us to the house. When we get there the party is already going, some people must have come straight after graduation. The music is playing and everyone seems to be having a good time. Ang, Jake, Jasper and I go upstairs to Alice and Jaspers room. 

"What's wrong?" Ang asks me as soon as Jasper closes the door. 

"I think we should wait for Alice" I said 

"I'll go get her" Jasper said slipping out. He's back in a few seconds with Alice and Edward 

"Good everyone's here now tell us what happened" Ang said then I tell them what Bree told me 

"So Bree or Victoria sent that guy after you to bring Edward back?" Jake said after I'm done. 

"Is it just me or does that sound like a bunch of bull" Ang said 

"It does seem like a pretty desperate move on Victoria's part. I mean how did she know Edward would even hear about it?" Jasper said

"Maybe I wasn't supposed to survive the attack" I said numbly. Jake holds me a little closer and everyone is silent. 

"That would have defiantly sent me right after Victoria" Edward said 

"Did she say anything else?" Ang asks 

"Yea she said she'd tell me more later at the party" I said

"She's here?!" Alice said 

"I guess, I mean she told me she would be" I said

"Well she could be here or she could have complied a human to do something to you or Edward" Jasper said

"So what do we do?" I said 

"Unfortunately the only thing we can do is keep our eyes open" Jasper said. After everyone decides which sides of the house their going to guard we return to the party. We were all tense at first but then three hours passed without anything happening. 

"Maybe Bree was just messing with you" Jake said

"I hope so" I said to him

Another hour into the party Jake and I finally start enjoying ourselves. I'd almost forgotten about Victoria and her friends. It's getting pretty late but the party's still going, then nature called. Jake insisted on following me to the bathroom. When we get upstairs it's pretty empty I guess no one wanted to venture up here. Then immediately the atmosphere shifts and I know we're not alone. Jake feels it too.

"We should go back downstairs" he said taking my hand

"Now why would you do that? The real party's up here" Bree said coming out of Edwards room. 

Then Jake is flung across the hall I get knocked down by the force of it. Then I hear Jake yell in pain, I sit up and see some guy biting him. 

"No!" I yell trying to get to him, but Bree grabs me by the hair and pulls me to my feet. 

"Sorry about this" she said then throws me out the window. When I wake up I'm outside lying on the ground, I can see the house. I see everyone running around and screaming I try to get up but my head hurts too much. Then someone stands over me, my eyes focus enough to see who it is. It's the kid that bit Jake.

"Sorry we had to crash you're party, but Victoria wants to see you now" he said. He bends down to pick me up and I lose consciousness again. 

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