Draft tag

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Gaa!! I was tagged by rysanthel and I haven't been tagged for anything before so thank you ^^
Also means i was really slow in realizing what I had to do. Which I think is post some drafts I have so here I go :D

1. White Light in Darkness [Kaisoo]

This was gonna be about Kyungsoo being blind and Jongin being his guide. Jongin teaching him about the colors as well as love loool.

I really planned this one out and even published it a while back but got cold feet and deleted it T_T

2. Without The Label [Baekyeol]

This was gonna my own story but I wrote a few things adapted to Baekyeol.

Mainly Baekhyun and Chanyeol being really good friends and are close to the point they are basically a couple but "without the label" of a couple. Thought it would be adding some jealously I'm there due to the fact they like each other but ain't officially together.

3. On Call [Kaisoo]

This was a recent one I had planned. Along the lines of Kyungsoo being a prostitute and Jongin being a client of his one night. They end up doing a regular thing and eventually get together. Jongin trying to get Kyungsoo out of that job but him being bound their for a reason I might figure out loool.

4. A Darkened Mind [My own]

This was one I was drafting for a loonngg time. This was another dark story about a couple in a abusive relationship. I'm thinking of publishing soon so I'm not going into too much detail.

These are a few of the drafts I could find right now ^^ I know I have tons more but i thought i'll leave It here

Umm I'll tag
Cause I think you guys are awesome writers ^^

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