Thirty Facts

61 6 31

Tagged by baekshop ^^

1 : I have an unnatural attraction to bubble tea. [Winter melon is just 👌👌]

2 : I love American TV shows (Game of thrones, Suits, House of Cards 😭 soo good)

3 : I hate Avacado

4 : It annoys me that I take so long to write anything 😑

5 : My preferred colour is blue

6 : For some reason I can't say cardigan properly 🙈🙈

7 : You know that thing where you say something at the wrong time or you can't control your laughing at really serious moments... That's me ALL the time 😂😂😂😂😂😂

8 : I tend to talk a lot and never really notice it.

9 : I'm a big anime junkie.

10 : I lowkey don't know what I'm gonna to with my life.

11 : I wish I could dance.

12 : People assume I have less self doubt than most purely because I'm loud.

13 : Tired is my default setting 😂

14 : I always forget my passwords so I have like 18 email accounts lost somewhere.

15 : I really want to start a blog but I always forget.

16 : 😂😂😂😂😂😂👈 This is 95% of my messages with my friends.

17 : I am the youngest child

18 : Used to play 6 instraments (guitar, claranet, flute, drums, p9iano and triangle)

19 : YES I did count triangle 😂😂

20 : Even at 17 I act 7

21 : I don't listen to kpop as much as I want to atm

22 : I'm left handed

23 : When I was like 7 I wrote stories about my crushes 🙈😂😭 fan fics from back in the days

24 : Currently trying to learn Korean

25 : Want to travel the world when I'm older.

26 : Whenever I see a new groups I automatically claim the rapper 👌

27 : Really want a kitten

28 : Don't know how to install gifs 😑

29 : 5"5 though I honestly belief I'm like 6 feet sometimes 😂

30 : I honestly love when I see people reading, commenting and liking my stories 💖😁 🙌🙈❤ Makes my day

Well thats 30 facts bout me which is harder then I thought loooool. Hope they wasn't to random or boring 😂😁

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