Fifty Facts

36 6 23

Tagged by ninetaeils, here is 'Facts: The Sequal'. I'll try and make them good 🙈🙈🙈

1. I'm going Korea with my mum in August for a week 🙌🙌 so excited but I wish I knew more Korean

2. I'm currently having driving lessons and self diagnosed myself with car/bike anxiety. For some reason I always freak out when controlling anything with wheels 😭😭

3. I always have dreams about owning a tea shop (just imagine a starbucks...but replace the coffee with loads of different types of tea) so I think that's my calling in life 😏😏

4. Kinda linked to 3 but I live in England. Which is like notorious for loving tea. But there is like no actual specialty tea places...the fact here is I think that's strange

5. Sorry I'm not done with the tea shop yet 😂. I wanna call it Special'T 💁

6. The first ever anime I ever watched was called 'School Days'... And the ending... The ending!!! I was like 9 at the time so I kinda regret that being my first

7. My all time least fav anime is Sword Art Online 😵😵

8. I need a job rn

9. I wish I had a cooler insta feed

10. I use Snapchat like a caveman 😂 I just don't get it

11. My procrastionation is basically YouTube videos but I will initially watch anything that comes on 😂

12. If I was more interesting I would wanna be a youtuber

13. One of my fav youtubers is RiceGum 🙌🙌 he the homie

14. I hate it when people sit next to me on the bus 🙈 does that make me bad??

15. The artists I listen to are well known but for some reason NOBODY I know listens to them. Not one single person and it baffles me

16. I wanna get the clear framed glasses so badly

17. If I could die my hair I would die it silver (but I could never pull it off)

18. I don't wear make up for anything ever and all my friends think it's so strange

19. I can never paint my nails since I'm too impatient to let them dry

20. I want to adopt a child one day

21. But I'm scared of having children

22. I get on with children better than I do with adult for some reasons (it's because I act 7)

23. I hate spiders

24. and moths...

25. and butterflies...

26. I just hate insects

27. I used to always misspell insect and incest 😂😂😂😂

28. I hate football more than life

29. I have never written/published a fanfic that wasn't Kaisoo

30. My current fan fic is probs gonna be my last kaisoo fic for a bit

31. Am I allowed to ship myself with Kai and Kyungsoo yet also ship Kaisoo like a religion??

32. I think I am 😂😂

33. Pepe is my favorite meme ever

34. Life doesn't give me any ratings at all 😂😂😂😂

35. You know that kid in class that has a talkitive person next to them and they won't shut up but the kid don't say shit. And then when the kid is like 'excuse me I'm working' the teacher calls the kid out and send them out the class


That is me

36. One time a bus driver said I couldn't get on the bus because I tapped on his door gently to get his attension

37. It was a red light so the bus couldn't even drive away so I was standing at the bus stop with everyone on the bus looking at me like 'Shame... Shame'

38. None of my friend watch game of thrones and I wish they did

39. That was a prime example of how even though I am into a lot of popular things, no-one I know is into them!

40. I am one of those hot-cold people. One second I'm emotions or take things to serious. And the next second I'm chill to the point I basically don't care about life and not problem in the world can make me flinch

41. I am nicer to people I don't know than my friends

42. Like you know we the homies if I'm comfortable enough to have banter with you

43. I used to have a cat

44. When I was younger I wished my cat was a dog and tried putting a leash on it and give it walks (cats dont like that)

45. I still want that dog God dammit

45.5. I'll call my dog Muñeca ❤

46. I don't like Pokemon. Why don't Ash grow up!! At all! Like can't they give him a birthday for one episode

47. I read Yaoi sometimes 😂 (probs why I love a fic with smut and love writing them too)

48. If I were to get married I'll want a white wedding like Solonge Knowles (look it up, boi it looked beautiful 😍😍)

49. I am craving chocolate cake... Like right now

50. Fifty facts was so hard to do 😂😂

Annnnddd Done

I pray these wasn't rubbish.









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