Prologue: the Cheshire Cat

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3rd person POV

"Please, don't kill me?!" The man squirmed in the corner. A dark figure loomed over him, her face covered by her famous bike helmet, designed like a Cheshire Cat. Her twin katana's unsheathed as he quaked in fear. "Why would I do that? You see, I'm getting paid judging on how much suffering I cause you. Killing you wouldn't get me the pay I'm looking for and I enjoy playing with my pray." She chuckled darkly. The horror on his face just added to her enjoyment. "Your one really sick bitch!" He shrieked, voice breaking in the process. "Ha, you don't know the half of it. You'd understand if you had been through the shit I have." "I could tell." He muttered as he looked at the area her feet should be but instead were cheetah prosthetic legs. Not visible to the man, her eyes changed from their normal brown to a slight blue but only for a moment. The figure kicked her leg out towards the man, revealing the blade that was hidden in the prosthetic leg. He gulped because she so much as sneezed, his head would be hanging of his neck like nearly headless Nick. "Just for that, I have the perfect game for us to play." She reached out and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt, dragging him out of the abandoned warehouse.


"PLEASE STOP!!! THIS GAME IS NOT FUN AT ALL!!!!" He screamed for his life as she cackled like a psychotic witch. She was riding her Jaguar motorcycle she built herself, at 90mph and he was tied by a rope to the end of the bike. "What do you mean 'not fun'? It's just like water skiing, just minus the water." A cheshire grin spread across her face, hidden under the cat-like helmet. She made a sharp turn to purposeful slam him into the opposite building. Fearing for his safety, he pressed a hidden 'agent in destress' button that the psycho girl didn't find when first searching him. His body scraped against the tar streets as the speed past building after building in the loud, busy city. "WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?!" "Well, it's simple really. Someone was pissed 'cause you got a promotion at work but all you do is play Galaga.... Also, you bet my high-score." She muttered the last part as black SUV's appeared in front of her, a logo on the side of some kind of bird. Ah shit, S.H.I.E.L.D. why can't you mind your own fucking business. The girl thought to herself as she spread down an alleyway. Using her legs, she cut the man free as he slowed her down. The cars attempted to follow but she was fast and knew every corner of Chicago. She slipped away into the night, unseen, unheard, disappearing into the night.

Clint's POV

Fury called a meeting with the Avengers at short notice so it must be urgent. We sat at a circular table as we waited for the director to enter. Tony was the first to speak, "So, what do you think it is this time? Aliens, Loki's return, HYDRA?" He sat, drinking his usual scotch. "Well, whatever it is, it must be important." Just as Cap says this, Fury walked in. "Hello Avengers, you must be wondering why I called you here this late." He looked around the room to make sure he had our full attention. A second later, a holographic screen appeared in the centre of the table. It showed a figure with a cat bike helmet, dragging a man through Chicago on a jaguar shaped motorcycle. "What is this?" Asked Bruce, confused to why Fury was showing us this. "This girl took one of our finest agents and started torturing him. The agent in question is a level 6 and it is not likely for her to be able to take him down on her own. Especially," he pulled a picture of her profile (that we could make out) on the screen, "considering she's a cripple."

The girl always had the helmet on so we couldn't make out her face but her tight clothing indicated a woman. She had twin katanas strapped to her back and instead of feet, she had two prosthetic legs with blades where her heel would be. "She has made a name for herself as a mercenary. She goes by many names; Steal Jaguar, Dark Rider, Blue Samaria but almost everyone knows her as the Cheshire Cat or just Cheshire. No one knows what she really looks like or her true identity, either that or the few people who do know are loyal to her." Agent Hill explained who this girl was. "And why are you showing us this? Because I have things to do." Tony questioned obnoxiously but he really seemed anxious to get to somewhere else. "Why are you in a rush?" Natasha asked as she sensed the same as me. He has been like this for a while now. "Nothing, I'm just busy." He answered her but not very convincingly.

"I'm showing you this because we believe she is connected to HYDRA. When we got into HYDRA's system, we found that one of their experiments had escaped but everything about them and what they did to them was wiped off their database. That was supposedly was 5 years ago, a few weeks before this 'Jane Doe' made her first appearance. I want you to find her and question what she knows about HYDRA, and if she is a potential ally." The meeting disbanded. Stark hurried back to his lab to do whatever he was doing as the rest of us discussed our thoughts. "How old do you think she is? It's hard to tell with the helmet and we don't know how long HYDRA had a hold on her." I mused. "I'm wondering if she has any abilities. HYDRA supposedly experimented on her and we know they like to create weapons... What if she is like me and the other guy?" Bruce chimed into the conversation. Steve was looking off to the direction Tony left in, "I wonder what Stark is up too..."

Tony's POV

I rushed off to the lab as I had finally made a brake through. I have been searching for Rita over the past 15 years. I regretted braking it off with her ever since that night but I was scared, I didn't want to ruin the kid or turn out like my old man but I said some things I shouldn't have said. I have always wondered what could have been, she was the best person in my life and I threw our relationship out of the window because of my irrational fear of parenthood. I had finally traced her down to Illinois but not much else. I continued to search until a document appeared on screen.... Her death certificate. My heart sank to the bottom of my stomach and ached like it had been ripped in half by John Cina.

Name of Disease: Rita Helen Morris
Cause of death: Overdose
Date of death: March 23th 2001
Buried: Oak Woods Cemetery
Living relatives: Crystal Antonia Morris-Stark (daughter)

Even though I felt like the hulk had ripped out my heart, I felt a flicker of happiness as it registered in my head. I have a daughter. I had to learn more but soon i was filled with puzzlement. I couldn't find a record of her anywhere. Maybe her name was changed when she went into the foster system but I would have expected to find a birth certificate. "Hey Tony?" I looked up to see Capsical looking at me from the door. I closed down the computer so he wouldn't see. "Is everything okay? You've been acting really weird recently." "Nothing important Capsical, just doing some research." He didn't look convinced so I picked up a bag of blueberries and offered one. "Stark, if you're hiding something, you need to tell us. We're a team and the only thing that keeps that together is trust." I rolled my eyes at him, "What I do is none of your concern, Rodgers. I am allowed to have a private life you know." There was silence before he sighed and exerted the room.

A/N: Hey, hope you enjoyed this, I don't know how this will turn out but let's see how it goes. I might not update too frequently as I have school and other books to update but we'll see. Until then, I'll see ya later :3

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