Ch5: Experiment 33

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Crystal's POV

"Did you just say Barnes? By any chance is he related to the Winter Soldier?" Spangles paled when I spoke Jax's full name. Why did he care so much? "If you want to hear the story, do as I have demanded and I'll give you story time... What are you waiting for, GO!" They scrambled about like headless chickens to give back custody to my legs and to free my buddies of all charges. Once this was complete, they surrounded me as to force me to keep my end of the deal. "*Sigh* Well, gather in Avengers, S.H.I.E.L.D. Agents and Fanfic readers," they looked puzzled at me with the last part but I continued on, "This is the story of Cris and Jax..."

*****Age 4*****

Ever since I could remember, nothing was normal. I did not know anything of the outside world apart from information I got from a couple of scientists that I over heard talking once or twice. Normal for me was wake up, eat the scraps they give you, get injections and try and live another day without dying. The least I wanted was a friend. It was lonely there and I could feel my mind break from a young age. Luckily for me, or unluckily depending how you look at it, I wasn't going to be alone for long. There was a larger aim than turning a crippled child into a killer, I was just the ginny pig for a Larger plan. There was a man they kept in a cryogenic sleep until he was needed for a mission or another use. Taking his DNA, they created a clone but with a few alterations to the real Winter Soldier. He didn't have the same memory's or mind and he had too begin as a child, otherwise it would have turned out undeveloped which did not help anyone. So they designed him to grow faster than the average human until he reached 5 years in the span of 1 year. The most he will remember in life is age 5 and above meaning that once he grew to my age he would stop growing and act as a normal child, or at least as normal as you can in a Hydra facility. My role was to be the test subject. If there was a defect in their experiment, they would fix it and then apply it to the clone as a finished product no matter what it may do to me before it is corrected. Ginny pig. That's me.

*****Age 5****

The clone has finished developing. It doesn't say much but it was unexpectedly human. It had feelings, thoughts, it was its own person. They may have been artificial life but I was no longer alone. The more emotions it developed, the closer we got. On day, I was taken to be experimented again but this time was different. It worked, kind of. They injected me a syrm to recreate the Super Soldier formula. It wasn't exactly what they wanted but it was almost as good as it. The syrm gave me regenerative abilities which allowed me to heal almost instantly. However, the syrm didn't give the same traits to different people. When they tried it on the clone, they did not get the same results. The syrm acted as an artificial version of the X-gene. The clone gained the power of telepathy which Hydra did not like for many reasons. They blamed be somehow because I 'made them believe' that the product worked. They came to my cell and began to punish me for showing false results. I may have healing abilities but the pain was still there. The clone sensed I was in distress and shut down his captor's mind. He ran to me and shielded me with his own body. At that moment, they realised we were too dangerous to keep together. They restricted me by taking away my old normal prosthetics until they needing me to move and having me chained at all times. The clone on the other hand was also chained while his brain activity was monitored. We saw each other at few intervals but with his new found ability, we were able to have telepathic conversations as long as he didn't show suspicious brain activity other wise he'd be electrocuted. He was all I had, he was the only one who cared and even though we were apart, that day brought us closer.

*****Age 6*****

The clone and I had continued our communication and he finally was self aware enough to realise he didn't have a real name. The Hydra agents called him 'Experiment 33' or the 'Red Experiment' so they gave him the name Flynn but he didn't like it. He asked me to name him so I went through a list of names in my head for him to choose from and the one he liked most was Jaxon. From then on, I always called him Jax. Not long after I named him, I was taken for another test and it worked in unexpected ways. Hydra believed the secret was in animal DNA. They ga be me a syrm which worked for the most part. It gave me super human strength, which was their main goal, as well as increased agility and enhanced senses. What I was not happy about however, was the fact they had turned me into a monster. I had grown cat ears and tail, my hair had become a mix of black and blue unlike it's old brown colour and I gained the ability to turn into a black jaguar pup. I didn't want to be this freak of nature but the only upside was when I transformed, I regained use of my legs.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2016 ⏰

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