Ch 1. Hot coffee

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I have no soul. But that's ok.
I have coffee.

My name, unfortunately, is kilei.
No, it's not a girls name.
You know what, fuck everyone who assigns genders to names, like,
Who fucking gave them the right, right?

As I said before, I like coffee.
So much so, I work at a coffee shop.
No I'm not trying to be hipster.
God, fuck these stereotypes, man.
Anyway, free coffee. Seems reasonable.
Just this one problem: people.
I have like, zero patience for bullshit, and I really don't care to fake being nice. But, I have to. You know, the whole keeping-my-job thing.

Today is normal I guess. Everyday is boring. I have to take meds for my
"Depression". I really don't have it,
I just don't care. I'm not sad. I can't be sad. No soul, remember?

I kind of wish I was depressed though.
At least I would feel something.
I always feel so dead, like a fraud or something.

I will be updating weekly, possibly more. Don't know though. Life. Lovelove ppl!
Thanks for reading my trash<3

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