Ch 5. Lunch and lifestories

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So we're eating at the Pizzapeace.
I'm ok with this, but sometimes it gets annoying when the servers decided to comment on how my hair looked like the pizza sauce. HILARIOUS. I KNOW. Ugh.
But could they keep their elementary
jesting to themselves and act fucking professional? I guess not.

"What'll it be, my saucy sir?"
Oh here we go.
"I would like a thin crusted Hawaiian,
annnnd how about some quality servers.
Oh wait, of course, you must be out of those."
Augusts mouth and eyes were wide open.
"Did I offend you sir?" The server was obviously embarrassed.
"Just don't tittle people on how they look, even if it's light hearted it's rude."
"Damn." I hear August say under his breath.

We sat there, and then:
"So, where do you work?"
"Tea taiM. Why?"
"Oh, really? I was curious because you said you were rich."
"I'm not rich with money."
"Oh, family? That's sweet."
"I'm rich with freedom."
"Freedom from what?"
"Well, that's..uh..alright then."
"Am I making you uncomfortable?
I'll go now."
"No! Wait!"
I've already stood up. What does he want now?
"Why would that be one of the first things you would tell me?"
"So that it won't hurt when I don't care."

I walk back through the shops and get stopped by a cat. More like tripped.
I fall on my hands. Shit, that burns.
"Dick move, kitten. I need hands for work. You're not going to help me, so fuck off."

The cat fallows me. Whatever.
I make it back home, and let the cat inside. Maybe I'll learn to care with a simple cat.

I bundle up some socks I can't find matches for and throw it in the middle of the floor. The cat just looks, and then stares at me again.
"You are useless as a dog, you know."
I plop down into my comfy chair, and grab the remote for the TV.
The little kitten jumps up into my lap, and snuggles up in between my leg and the armrest. That's cute.

A commercial about the remastered old movies comes on, and I here a name:
"That's what I'll call you. Tigger."
She was already asleep. Not that she would understand. Just cuteness.

Hey my chicas and chicos!
Thanks for reading!
Pls comment, I'm dying!
Lovelove ppl!!

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