10 Break of Engagement. (PART 2)

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I saw everyone's eyes filled with tears. Uncle Farhan came forward and slapped him.

"From today you are no more my son. You spoiled my name today. I never expected that my son will do this. If you really loved someone you could have informed us. You didn't even think of Yumna once." He said.

"Dad..." Rayan said.

"I don't want to hear anything anything from you. Just get out from here." Uncle said.

"Uncle please forgive him." I said. I don't want a son to be separated from his parents.

"Yumna are you not angry beta. You want me to forgive this fellow."He said.

"No uncle I am not angry. I saw Rayan with girl but didn't say to Zaiba. Whatever it is we have to forget small mistakes. So please forgive him."

"Never, I am not going to forgive him. Today he had a girlfriend and got engaged , later he will break our relationship. Faizan is like my own brother. I will never forgive him." He said removing our rings.

"You can never marry our Yumna." He said pushing Rayan out. Rayan asked for forgiveness but it was of no use. I have never seen my family members in this much pain.

"Yumna... " My mom and Nuzha auntie said as they hugged me.

"Don't worry, everything will be alright. I said.

I was ready for my college but I was little tired. I went down and saw auntie preparing my breakfast. I did not ask anything but just ate the breakfast.

" Yumna how are you beta." She asked.

"Alhamdulillah I am fine auntie. Where is mom?" I asked.

"She is not well. Yesterday around 3'o' clock she had heavy fever and fainted, so she is admitted in hospital." She said. I was stunned.

"I will go and meet her right now. How can I go to college when my mom is not well." I said.

"No beta your exams are going to start in a weak. Your mom said you to go to college. You can meet her at evening."

"Okay... I'll go to hospital from my college."

"I really don't know what is happening. Everything is because of Rayan." She said.

"Okay auntie its time for me to leave. I will talk to you later." I said leaving from home. I reached college after 10 minutes.

"Yumna." Raeesah called. I turned around and saw my friends.

"You look very tired. What happened?" Hafsah asked.

"Nothing." I said as we entered our class.

All the classes were boring. I was sleeping the whole day.


I went down to cafeteria with my friends in lunch hour. Aunt packed me burger. I was neither hungry.

"Hey! Aman so you're here? I was searching for you." I heard a very familiar voice. I knew who it was, but I just ignored. But I know he was looking at me with an angry expression.


I went directly to the hospital from my school to see my mother. I saw my father, uncle and aunt. Dad and aunt were almost in tears. The three looked very depressed.

"What happened?" I asked them.

"Nothing beta." Aunt said.

"Please tell me what happened? Is mom okay? Is she alright?"

"Your mom is suffering from  brain cancer from " She said. I was shocked and tears were rolling down my cheeks.


Assalamualaikum guys. I am really sorry for late update. And do vote if you liked it and comment.

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