Chapter four: Your average teenage drama

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Ginny sat by the warm fire. Leaning into it's tenderness from the cold blizzard outside. She glanced towards a window which had to be covered in at least three layers of snow. She then scanned the dark empty room. She saw Neville, observing his plant cautiously and writing down some hypothesis's on it. Neville wasn't enthusiastic about it surprisingly. He dropped his pencil and plopped his head onto the table. A concerned Ginny walked towards Neville and rubbed his back.

"Are you alright?" She asked.

"No," He complained turning his face so he could look at his friend.

"I asked five different girls today, none of them accepted me!" He cried as he buried his face on the table.

"Who?" She asked. What was wrong with Neville? He was nice, friendly, she had to admit he was a bit socially awkward. Neville shifted uncomfortably in his seat.

"Well, a lot of girls actually, Padma, A beauxbaton's girl named Patricia, Hannah Abbot, Hermione...." He trailed off.

"Of course, Hermione's already going with Krum," He added. Ginny sighed. What she was about to do would take away any chance of going to the Yule Ball with Harry. Like that would happen, nevertheless, it was for a friend. Neville wasn't the guy of anyone's dreams really, so it would be harder for him to find a date. Ginny closed her eyes, regretting her decision but the words slipped off her like a beverage in a pitcher.

"Well, you could go with-me?" She stuttered. Neville looked at her, his face lit up.

"Thank you!" He laughed as he fell backward in his chair, maybe this wasn't so bad after all. Maybe Harry would actually notice her for once. She doubted it because he was currently fancying some Ravenclaw named Cho Chang. Ginny, extremely ashamed of herself from not analyzing her actions, quickly scurried up to the third year girl's dormitory. She fell onto her bed, tears began to well in her eyes, why was she being so melodramatic? Why did it matter that she didn't go with Harry? Ginny shoved her face in her pillow, preventing tears from bursting from her eyes. As far as she believed, from the time she wept, she drifted to sleep.



Harry scurried down the halls. His book bag flew behind him as if it couldn't. When he finally got there he stood before the fat lady.

"Balderdash," He panted, his loud breaths made it hard for the Fat Lady to hear the password itself.

"Repeat that dear," She replied as she put a hand behind her ear. Harry cleared his throat.

"Balderdash'' He said. Lucky for him, the portrait hole opened and he walked inside. He welcomed the couch anxiously as he dove for it. He remembered his golden egg from the previous Triwizard Tournament task. He got out his messenger bag. He grabbed the egg and snapped it open.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" It shrieked in a piercing tone. The sound almost seemed toxic to the way it made you ears numb. For not helping at all, Harry closed it shut quickly and then shoved it in his bag without hesitation. Soon, Hermione came into the room, as usual, she was practically juggling books. She shot a serious look at Harry.

"Extra credit!" She hissed at him. She plopped in a red arm chair next to him. She gently put the books in a pile on the ground. She, like Harry, plopped down into the seat, her bushy brown hair flew backwards in tremendous locks.

"How are you?" She asked, of course, she had to ask considering she didn't see her friend all day.

"Erm, fine--The ball's next week right?" He asked filled with stress.

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