Second Task

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   Ginny felt cold and sickly on the inside when she awoke the next morning. She knew the second task was emerging from what seemed like miles away. Grabbing her school uniform and her winter accessories such as her warm wool hat, her soft cashmere mittens and her black cloak, she neatly spread all her clothing out on her unmaid bed. Taking a heavy sigh, she began to head down the many flights of stairs to the Great Hall, where she could wallow amongst her friends as she pictured Harry Potter suffering to complete the next task.

Once she arrived, she bit her lip as she went to sit down. Feeling a rough nausea in the pits of her stomach, she avoided overeating.

Like Ginny, Harry also had trouble eating. Not only that, but he also rested his head on the table, attempting to decrease his worsening migrane. Harry lifted his head and examined the room. The long rectangular table he was sitting at had no Ron or no Hermione. He scooted down across from Ginny, who's face was a burning scarlet.

"Ginny, have you perhaps seen Ron or Hermione?" Harry asked, he glanced right in left.

"Or even possibly Cho?"

"You mean Cho Chang? No, none of them. Wait why Cho?" Ginny asked, her eyebrows furrowing together. Harry became speechless. His face turned green and he felt severely lethargic.

"Harry? Are you alright?" Ginny waved a hand over Harry's face. Harry could not snap out of his trance. He felt as if he were a tire rolling down a neverending steep hill, his eyes began to flutter closed.Ginny snapped her fingers, awakening Harry from his strange episode.

"Harry, how many hours of sleep did you get?"

"About eight and a half."  Ginny patted Harry on the arm.

"This morning take it easy. Get at least another additional hour of rest. If you still feel strange later then I suggest you see Madam Pomfrey." Ginny placed her silverware on her plate and skipped off. Once she was out of sight a huge grin formed on her face.

    Once Ginny left the repetitive fluttering in his stomach was gone. He repeated Ginny's melodious voice in his head. He did not know why Cho did not make him feel the pleasure he was feeling right now. It seemed as if Cho was crammed in the back corners of his mind, avoiding being his center thought, his main thought right now was the Second Task.

   Harry counted how mant hours it was until the Second Task. Hours soared past in what seemed like seconds. Taking a heavy sigh, Harry examined himself one last time, making sure he was in full condition to participate. He put on his cloak and began to leave for the Black Lake, where he would either make it or break it.

    Ginny stroked her fingers through her wavy red hair one last time. Her heart seemed to be racing faster than light. She scurried down to the Black Lake to find Harry, she had an important question to ask him.

"Harry!" She called, stumbling as she raced towards him.

"Ginny, I don't have time for this!" Harry exclaimed, his stress emphasizing his voice.

"No, I was going to ask you, have you seen Ron or Hermione anywhere?" Ginny could see a sparkle in Harry's eye. Not like one of happiness or confidence, but one of fear and sorrow. Ginny's dreams seemed to flash before her as Harry seemed to gaze into her eyes, searching for something he needed, but could not find.

"Harry," Ginny whispered, her voice taking a tranquil, nurturing tone.

"Good Luck."

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