Chapter Three - Rumor.

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* Kaylin's POV *

It's 11pm & all our phones are blowing up with texts from twitter, the boys keep tweeting about "these beautiful & down to earth girls they met today." All of their fans keep asking who the girls were, then we each get a text from them asking if it was okay if they told our names, we all said yes and sent them our twitter names. It made me a bit nervous, because i wasnt sure how the fans were going to react to us.

Anyways, the girls & I are telling eachother all our stories from today. "Timmy kissed me" i say nonchalantly and they all quickly look at me. "WHAT?!?!" they all yell in unison. I tell them about how we were just sitting there talking, and he just did it out of the blue. As soon as we pulled apart his face turned bright red and neither of us could stop smiling. "I've had a crush on you since the day i followed you on twitter, ive just never had the courage to tell you and well now i'm going to be seeing alot of you, well atleast i hope so. Expecially cause the guys have massive crushes on your bestfriends." hearing Timmy say that made me beyond happy. I look at the girls after i finish telling the story and they're all smiling like idiots. We continue talking for awhile, each of us texting the boys at the same time.

At around 2am we decide to finally decide to go to bed, we're yet again going out with the guys tomorrow. We text the guys goodnight & sweet dreams but before they let us go to sleep; the guys tell us to ignore all the negitive things some of the fans say to us. Some of them are even starting to say that Timmy & I, Kaycee & Clayton, Katie & Brady, and Emily & Dalton are all couples .... But i mean hey, that's one rumor i don't really mind.

It Will Be Worth ItNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ