Chapter 9 ~ Night Over

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Marinette's face flushed, 'C-cute?!' She shuttered in her thought. Adrien leaned forward towards her, like the last time they kissed. His lips brushed hers, her eyes widen. But, instead of fully kissing her, only a peck was done. He went back to his normal position, "I'm sorry, I just don't know what's happening." He said, as if he was shy. "Adrien, you shouldn't just go kissing me in random encounters." She grinned and patted her hand on his shoulder.

He took the time to look over the clock, '7:15' he saw. "May we eat dinner?" He asked her, she nodded in response. He stood up and gave her a hand to get up. She smiled brightly at the thought of him actually liking her, while he smiles back. "I could go get pizza." He suggested, her face gave him a grin. "It's raining you dork." She giggled, "Let's just eat here." She continued, he had the face of defeat, but soon after returned to his normal face. "Oh, and by the way, the food might be much more boring than the pastries your parents sell at their bakery." He continued as he walked to the door guiding her. "Why would you say that?" She asked, he grinned and tilted his head slightly, "You'll see." He replied.

"Here's your food, made by our private five star chefs we have here." Natalie normally said emotionless. The two smiled at her presence, "Thank you Natalie." Adrien thanked her, "Yes! Thank you!" Marinette followed along. Natalie placed the food on the table and walked away as she has some other businesses to do. The two looked at together and took of the top part of the dish. Marinette had a face of regret already, maybe agreeing to pizza was a great idea. "Told you." He grinned at her widely, "You don't wanna waste food don't you?" He snickered back at her face.

'Tomato paste, a piece of pasta and an unreasonable amount of garnish. How appetising..' She thought to herself, "Uh, let's dig in I guess." She said confusingly, he nodded in agreement. He picked a fork from all the other forks placed on the table, Marinette had no clue on what's going on. She copied his actions. He placed a towel on his lap. She placed a towel on her lap. He drinks water. She drinks water. "Mari." He stopped, he noticed what was going on. "I'm sorry! I just.. Don't understand all these fancy stuff.." She finally snapped, she blushed in embarrassment. "No, I understand." He spoke up, her ears were perked. "I didn't know what the hell my parents were doing when I was little." He chuckled while talking, Marinette giggled after. "Just eat how you normally would. I don't mind." He patted on her shoulder, like he would normally do when being supportive. She nodded in thanks.

The look on the plate wasn't appetising. That's probably why sophisticated people get full easily after eating this crap. She grabbed a fork from the table and pierced the pasta, slowly as her gag reflexes comes into place. She placed the food in her mouth. 'Plain.' She thought. Just regular old pasta is a dish? She drank water to cleanse the taste from her throat. She looked over to Adrien to see how was he going with the dish.

Turns out he wasn't eating at all. He was staring into Marinette's eyes the whole time. 'Ahh!' A should came out of her mouth, she was scared alright. "I'm sorry! I just wanted to see how you'll react to the food." He apologised. Her face went back to normal, she checked out his plate to see that it was clean. "Oh it's alright, I guess." She slowly said. He nodded slowly in response. "Let's go back to my room." He stood up and held her hand to his, he brought her out of the door in seconds.

"I know right! Alya and Nino should totally be a couple! I mean just look at them everyday!" Marinette giggled. They've been talking for two hours now, mainly talking about their classmates. "I know!" Adrien agreed, they laughed until they couldn't breathe. Which reminded her how much she ate for dinner, a piece of pasta isn't gonna fill her. "Wait, do you eat that kind of dinner we just ate everyday?" She asked, he nodded while pouting to her. 'No wonder why he's skinny." She thought to herself. "I feel so bad for you.." She said sarcastically, well actually, she was really sad for him being a model and all. He even needs a diet! A skinny boy with a diet is just hell!

"Don't worry, I'm used to it." He chuckled softly while saying that. "Well I do have a secret." He continued softy. He cupped Marinette's ear and brushed his lips lightly. "I do sneak in a couple of food that I'm not allowed to eat." He whispered lightly. Every word he said made her blush more and more. He eventually stopped whispering and went back to his original position. "Hey I guess we should sleep now, I'll go use the bathroom and brush my teeth first." The pair nodded and then to their places.

"Tikki?" Marinette called out softly hoping that Adrien didn't hear her. The kwami came out of her purse and smiled, "Hello Mari." The cute little creature greeted her.

After the two finished their brushing in the bathroom,
"I'll sleep on the couch, you can sleep on my bed." Adrien suggested, Marinette's eyes went wide. "No! I'm the guest, I'll sleep on the couch." She defended, he had an annoyed face, "Mari, I wouldn't want my guest to be uncomfortable." He snapped at her softly. "But I rather sleep on the couch."

"How about we both sleep on the bed?"

Silence filled the whole room. Marinette couldn't function, but when she did, her face turned unbelievably red. "U-uhh... W-we c-could do that.." She shuttered. The two went on the bed and laid down to their spot. "Can I cuddle you?" Adrien asked, a nod was the only response she could do. He wrapped his arms around her chest and went to sleep. She did the same.
Notice: Hewwo. Long time no see. My hand hurts like hell. I'm sorry that I've written a lot of 'later's, I don't have a clue on what to write so... I just hope you like this chapter!<3

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