You Are Broken

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"Jay what are you doing?" The somewhat smaller one walked towards him, he found Jay in his car, he was trying to call someone, but they didn't answer.

"TIM! Um, I'm trying to call Alex.." Jay slightly looked away from Tim, he had tears in his eyes. Yes, Jay was worried about Alex, he didn't know what happened to him.

"Why?! You know he won't answer!"

"Tim.... I found some other tapes, most of them just showed nothing but there was one.. That.." Jay started tearing up more, he couldn't handle this, he needed to know what happened to Alex..

"What? What did it show?!" Tim was frustrated, he wanted him to just spill the beans, but of course, Jay didn't.

Jay started to cry silently, he covered his face and curled up in a ball, he didn't want to talk about it... It was too much, he couldn't handle it anymore. After all those other tapes too. It was just over whelming.

"Damn it Jay..." Tim got in the car with Jay and slightly hugged him, patting his back
"Just give me the tape all right.. I'll watch it"

Jay just nodded his head, still hugging his legs and crying silently.

After a while of hugging and crying, Jay reached for his bag and went through it, he found the tape and gave it to Tim

"Give it back to me when you're done. . . alright?"

Tim nodded his head and took the tape, he ruffled Jay's hair then left. Jay stayed in his car for a long time, thinking where Alex could be. . . he couldn't possibly be dead, he called Jay two days ago, saying to meet him at the park. Jay did go there, but Alex didn't say what time... Like always. Jay waited for him forever, when he finally got there, they just talked about the past and what's happening now. He was really out of character, it was odd, but that day Jay just didn't notice anything wrong, he was just too happy to be bothered by anything.

Jay turned his phone on, it was 7:52 P.M it was getting really dark. .

He took his keys out and tried turning his car on. . it. . lost power. . Jay sighed and hit his head against the steering wheel.

"This. . is gonna be a long night"

Jaylex- Im SorryDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora