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I watched red flow perfectly through a tube but the person didn't follow my gaze.

"All done sir. Ma'am your turn" the nurse said and I swallowed.

I sat down and she put the arm rest in front of me.

"Give me your arm" she said sounding angry. She must have said it before but I wasn't listening.

"She could die with that type of blood. People with her condition never make it over fourteen." I could hear the doctor that brought me into this world and trembled.

"She has bad blood" my brother or not to be said.

She nodded and I put my hand on the armrest.

I trembled and watched the needle go into a vein. I jerked back and the woman had it.

"Ma'am just look away" she told me.

I felt a warm mass go into my right hand and I looked into his brown eyes.

"All done" she said and I flicked my head back.

"When did you put it in" I asked.

"When you looked at him" she said and we walked out.

"So the results should be sent to your home and then you will be notified by that" another woman said.

We just went home and waited weeks for it.

"It's here" he said when I walked in from visiting my mother.

"It is" I asked running over.

He opened it as I leaned on him and gave the folded piece of paper to me.

I opened it and saw that we had different DNA.

"We're not related" I said and looked at him showing him the paper.

"That's great!" He put his hand in his black hair and had such a big smile on his face.

"Why" I asked.

"Because now I can do this all I want" he said and kissed me.

I could have stopped him but I didn't want to.

"Wait." I said as his hand held my leg.


"That means either you are me have the wrong father" I said.

"Probably me."

"How do you know" I asked sitting up.

"Like I've said, my mother gets banged up too much" he told me.

"But my father might not be my father" I said.

"I am" he said and I grabbed onto my no longer brother.

"Why the hell would you do that" he yelled.

"Because I would like to see that paper." My father looked like a stranger to me. He was never in my life for too long.

I stayed close to Grayson and looked at him from time to time.

"I'm your father sweetheart. His mother was with a man before me and created him" he explained.

"Who" Grayson asked.

"I can't tell you that." He stood and walked over. "But I'll do a DNA test for you Jorda-" Grayson threw his arm around me and lunged himself in front of me.

I sat there trembling as my father's hand almost came clear off.

"Sharp teeth" he said and I looked at Grayson's hair.

"Don't touch her" he said.

He grabbed his chin and pulled him closer.

"I created her kitty" he said and let go making Grayson fall to his knees on the floor.

A Face That Can't Be PlacedWhere stories live. Discover now