Place of Life

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As Gon jumped to save worker, the trap and Leorio stopped the fight and ran to save Gon and the worker. I already checked the card and it will be useful. As Trap-kun and Leorio grabbed Gon, I ran to them and aimed the card to Gon.

"Furisodation!" I chanted the spell.

They were able to pull Gon and the worker back to the ship. Furisodation lightened the burden so the two could pull them easily.

"Hey why did you do that? You could have become shark's bait you know?" Leorio scolded Gon.

"What will happened if we didn't catch you?" Trap-kun scolded Gon too.

I sighed.

"Can someone give me credits?" I asked sheepishly.

"But you did catch me," Gon finally said a word to them.

They were surprised of what Gon said.

"Nee Kurapika, sorry about what I said. I'll take it back," Leorio apologized to Trap-kun who is Kurapika.

"Sorry for the taking it seriously, Leorio-san," Kurapika apologized too.

'Gahd... I could consider Kurapika as a trap if he had longer hair'

"Just call me Leorio! It would be weird," Leorio looked away.

"Okay just don't mind me... Don't thank the person who lightened up everything..." I walked out of the happy ending they all have.

"Who are you to talk you brat!" Leorio shouted at me.

"Leorio, she helped us pull Gon and the worker," Kurapika reasoned.

"What?! She was just standing there enjoying the view!"

"Then that means, you are too slow and you are considered as an old man," I was pissed off when Leorio shouted at me.

'What a long ride.'

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2016 ⏰

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