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Mask man slashed Teresa on the cheek with his pocket knife and I tried to run to her but he grabbed me by the hair and threw me across the room.
He laughed then left, I quickly got up and ran to Teresa. "Omg..Omg..your bleeding everywhere!" I yelled frantically. I took a piece of my ripped pants, rolled it up and started using it as a sponge cleaning her cheek up. Thank God her cut wasn't that deep or big she was just bleeding a lot so I kept the piece of cloth on her cheek until the bleeding stopped.

" didn't have to do this you know?" Teresa said." Umm yes I did. The only reason you got hurt was because you protected me so thank you" I replied. Another mask man came in with bandages and rubbing alcohol, I knew he was going to cure Teresa so I stepped back. He took a clean cloth and put alcohol on it then gently dabbled the cloth on to Teresa's face. I could see the pain in Teresa's eyes, he then put a big enough bandage on the scar.

He then said"don't worry ladies everything is fine" in the most hysterical way ever, I just hugged Teresa because she was a piece of my home and I'm pretty sure I was a piece of her home too.


We were now hungry and weak, all I wanted was food. The mask man knew that because he came in the room with chinese food actually my favorite. He threw the food and eating utensils at me and Teresa faces
and sat right in front if us as we ate like animals. He was breathing in a creepy way.. I felt his disguised eyes looking at me,but I kept eating because I felt that nothing in this planet could remove my hunger. I was soo close to finishing the last bits of rice when the mask man angrily threw our plates to the floor and stood in front of us. Me and Teresa looked at each other with fear, so we held hands hoping for the best. "KISS her!" the mask man yelled to me, I look at Teresa and she nods so I kissed her. He laughed so loud and scary, he then pulled Teresa from her hair dragging her out the room. I just kept crying screaming "no" at the top if my lungs, I was eventually silenced by what sounded like Teresa screaming.

She kept screaming no multiple times then the screaming stopped so I panicked and started kicking and hitting the walls to get out and save Teresa. Mask man came in and my blood was boiling, I quickly pushed him away from me and started hitting him with all my strength but not even that was enough so he eventually caught a handle of me and threw to the wall.

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO TERESA!?!?!?.... IF YOU KILLED HER I AM GONNA KILL YOU!!!" I screamed from the very top if my lung. Mask man was quite because he knew he could see the anger in me. Mask man came up right in front of my face.."Take that mask off you filthy disgusting piece of shit.. let me see how much of a coward you really are!" I yelled in front of his face. He walked back quickly and just kept staring me down.. I knew that he revealed his identity to me I would never leave this filthy place. He started to unbuckle the little buckles that held his mask to his face and with each buckle being released my heart pumped harder and harder against my chest. He finally took it off and it happened to be my landscaper Alejandro. He came closed to me, picked me up and pinned me against the wall with my legs wrapped around him. Believe it or not even though I was suprised and angry I was actually relieved and I wanted pleasure especially his.. I know it's weird but I just can't resist now that I know that my mask man is Alejandro.

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