Is this real love?

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We woke up and took a shower together, he came from behind me and started groping my boobs as the hot steamy water dropped among our bodies. Alejandro's body reminded me of one of those Abercrombie & Fitch models so tight but yet classy. His skin color had a caramel tone to it with beautiful eyes with hazel color. He was a type of boy you would die for but he was just way too anti-social.
Alejandro could never look at me in the eye.. he would always put his head down when you looked at him. Even when he was landscaping on my house he never looked at me or my father in the eye.

We kept making out under the nice sheet of steamy water and it actually made me horny. I love the fact that Alejandro knows when he is arousing me. So he picks my naked body up and puts me on the shower floor ( Thank God it was clean) and starts kissing all over my body from top to bottom. "Babe..(*moan*) I know your horny.. but we should(*moan*) do this later.. I've got something for you" I said as he kept rubbing his tip of his finger on my vagina. He looked at me for a quick second and got up from the shower floor. "K..i'm just gonna get dry and meet you on the bed" he said with a straight face. I notice at that moment that Alejandro really had a character to him, like in some way he was explainable but at the same time unexplainable.. well that is all of us but something was totally different about him i just couldn't but my tongue on it.

I came out the shower and dried myself.. I felt him looking at me. Then he grabbed me and we just started kissing," F**k the gift!!I have you" I touched his penis slowly up and down and he made me bend down on my knees. I stared at it for a long time, then got to work. He was moaning so hard then eventually cummed all over me. I just took a shower !! Alejandro and I were completely different and I liked it that way. I took a towel and quickly wiped myself, I kept looking at Alejandro and of course he put his head down. I grabbed his chin up and kissed him "why, why me?" I asked. He grabbed my face real hard and said with a strong stern voice "You know I'm not gonna answer that so I would appreciate if you stop trying ok?!" He got up, put his pants up and left with a big slam of the door. I rolled my eyes holding back some tears and turned the television on. I was just replaying what he said in my mind and I just started to cry, all of a sudden I wanted run back home. I missed my friends, I missed my school and I missed my dad. I knew I could never leave not that I couldn't go but I didn't want to. Something is wrong with me I don't know what it is, it's like I can't live without him even when I knew his intentions with me and my friends. CLICK CLACK Alejandro comes in with some PoPeyes "Lets eat" he says swaying the bag back and forth. I grabbed the bag and took my favorite the biscuit. He just smiled "look just know that I'm sorry ok?" he assured. "K" I said reaching for the chicken, " you know this relationship is really weird" I said. "I know and that's the way I like it" he said as he drank from his cup.


I took the leftovers and threw it in the garbage. "We haven't finished what we started" Alejandro said as he slowly crawled on top of me. I smiled and took my top off, we pulled the covers up and turned the lights off. Here I go again, I really need to get some help.

Its been a really long time since I wrote a chapter. Im a lil rusty so be a lil patience. Pls comment and vote

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