The Bleeding Hearts.

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We all are humans. So atleast once in our life we were hurt. Yes, it took time but we learnt to cope up with it.

You know that moment when someone says something and you feel as if that person has stabbed your heart with a dagger? You feel the cold steel kiss you. Blood pounds in your ears and for a moment you just blink because you are unable to comprehend what just happened. And then, when realisation hits, you feel need of support. Not to sit down. No. Just to gather those shattered pieces of your heart.

Sometimes you may burst with tears or you gather all your will and retort back hoping that person too would be equally hurt. Sometimes you just leave. Either you pretend not to care or you act bravely enough to show the world how strong you are. But the truth is you are crumbling inside.

You curse that person. You curse yourself for being so weak. What we don't think in such moment is the fact that you are hurt, implies that you have feelings. That you are normal. Just remember that. Always.

Of course in days to come you would shut that bleeding wound and paste a fake smile on your face. No one needs to know that tale of your unshedded tears. They are not worth it and so you would keep the story to yourself. As the time passes the wound heals leaving behind a light scar. Scars are meant to remind you of the past and so it will.

This whole process of getting hurt repeats itself sooner or later. You are hurt, yet you act bold and try to move on. Then one day you suddenly realise that your heart is strong enough to suffer this mild scratches the world gives you. So you make a shield around your dear heart and prepare yourself for facing the cruel world in future. It helps. It makes life easier.

Here I would like to share a quote of Tyrion Lannister in The Game of Thrones written by George R. R. Martin. "Never forget who you are. The rest of the world will not. Use it like armour and it can never be used to hurt you again."

Isn't it what we learn? But what we tend to forget while frequently reciting this lesson is the fact that the armour is to protect you from the world. Not from yourselves. You don't need it. You know what you truly are. So why not shed few tears in privacy.

All I am trying to tell you is that, it is alright to sit in some secluded corner, pull your knees to your chest and let it go. Yes, let it go. Who are you trying to hide that vulnerable being from? The world. Right? Then why is that being hidden from your conscience? So cry it out. No one is seeing you. No one is there to judge you. It's only you there.

If there is one person you should always be honest to, it is you yourself. Be true to your heart and while shielding the flaws, try to accept them and more importantly try to love them.

My observations taught me that when you shed your share of tears not even a drop more can be shaded. Even if you wish to. That is why I am saying just cry it out when you are alone. It helps you to come to terms with the reality, helps you cope up with it and assures you that no matter what happens you can stay strong in front of the world.


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