Bright Stars in Dark Sky

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Its August 26, 2020. We have finally relaxed all the restrictions but cases are still on rise. As I am writing this, a quick internet search is flashing global deaths to be 8,20,000 on my screen.
Don't take me wrong. I don't mean to blame any country or government for this. It's an infection, only precautions can help control it. Atleast till the time we get a vaccine. And I don't want to imagine what will happen if the virus mutates further. I guess we will have to chuck the vaccine in bin then.

Perhaps this year will always be frowned upon. A pandemic, chemical blast in Beirut, oil spills in Maldives, cyclones, landslides, floods, forest fires, tattered economic, job loss, riots and to think that we are only in the eighth month of the year! Today someone reported reinfection is possible!
When this disease was declared pandemic, me and my friends had joked about how its a typical apocalypse fiction coming true. Now I don't even want to remember that discussion. It looks like a foul debate from this side of the year.

But like everyone I am trying to look at the brighter side.
And there indeed are some plus points, mind you.
We all have come home. I am staying with my parents for last five months now! Yeah, its hard to believe.
But I am glad to be home rather than stuck in lonely apartment, cooking for myself and talking to pale walls.
Infact for the first time in past decade, I am getting some time to do the things I had planned and failed to do.
I am proud to say I finished reading my pending booklist, I started writing regularly and I got time to enjoy seasons.
On my side of the world, we are already past summer and are half way through monsoon. I won't be surprised if I spent my winters here too.
I want to see the winter sky from here.
Recently, I have taken up to watch stars whenever clouds shift. And when they don't, I stare at clouds.
In these troubled times, they teach me, stars are brightest in the darkest of the sky.

One thing I learnt and wanted to tell you all is this:
Everything is dynamic in this world. This pandemic is an ironic example of that. It has brought the world to stand still but yet has twisted our life like anything.
On contrary, stars are one of the constant things in this universe.
Look up and in clear sky, you would see them shining.
Look up and in cloudy sky, you won't. But beyond those clouds, they are still there, shining brightly, expecting you to be patient, until the coverage to shift.
Because stars are timeless. Atleast for our life.



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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2020 ⏰

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