TPO Chapter 3: Meet the Partner I

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Photo of Gabby's red Nike cap at the right

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Chapter 3


Damn that boy. I was late!

The class had already started. Mr. Biggs, in his skin-tight pale blue long sleeves, had his wide back from the transparent glass of our laboratory door.

He seemed to be having a hard time writing on the board, as his sweat gradually formed all over his back, inspite the cold temperature.

I slightly leaned to seek for Ty.

His sparkling silver bling caught my eyes seeing him sitting near the back door. He looked worried as if he was searching for something.

I was eagerly jumping outside as I outstretched and waved both my hands for him to notice me.

"Ty! Ty! Here!", I screamed in silence.

During our first Chem meeting last month, we chose the table at the back so we can easily sneak out every after class.

Ty and I have the same classes every Friday. Dan and James had their Literature class with Mrs. Connery while Max had his History with Ms. Hemmingway.

Suddenly, a slim and tawny girl with black wavy hair went out of the room. I recognized it was Lyric.

That caught Ty's attention. He slowly turned his head to the door's direction. He was surprised to see me standing outside.

"L, why ya out there? Come on in here!", he mumbled, putting down his bag from my stool.

Mr. Biggs was already standing in front of our table.

"Mr. Vaughn.", he said, looking on a clipboard he was holding then laid his sight to Ty. "Do you want your basketball career to stop here? Right this ver--", he continued while scribbling something on his clipboard.

"No...o...o!...", Ty quickly answered back, stuttering.

He asked Ty to take his things and instructed him to exchange seats with Lyric's seatmate who just got in. He slyly entered through the front door.

He was wearing a red cap with a huge G in front and was carrying books and a backpack.

His cap seemed familiar to me. I think, I already saw it. I just couldn't recall where.

Mr. Biggs didn't notice his arrival since he was talking to Ty.

"Lucky, huh?" , I said to myself. 

"I don't want to sit th--", he grumpily complained, rubbin' his thighs rapidly.

Mr. Biggs gave him a stern look and almost roared in fury, "NOW!".

Ty was left with no choice but to get his things. He slowly dragged his feet towards his new seat and swayed his head to look at me.

All my classmates' eyes were on us. There were murmurs and soft giggles.

As he nearly approached his table in front, Lyric glared at him and continued to what she was doing. He just glared back.

Lyric's seatmate was rigidly standing beside her, throwing his bag over his shoulder. He paced towards Mr. Biggs and protested, "But Sir, I do--".

Mr. Biggs turned his head to him and replied, "No buts, Miss Siegfried. And as what I'm seeing, you already have with you your things, so, I assume you agree?"

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