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jungkook lets out another frustrated sigh at the sight of the image displayed upon the thin, compact screen of his camera before promptly running his thumb across a few buttons to delete it.

the picture contained far too much sunlight for his liking, so much that the principal object itself – a campus bench – gave off a conspicuous glare due to the rays hitting its polished armrest.

so for about the hundredth time today, another image was erase from the existence of his camera's memory card.

jungkook had been testing out a new camera that he had recently received from his parents in busan – who were hoping he'd make good use of it during his attendance in his new college photography class.

all afternoon he was scouring his college's campus in pursuit of anything aesthetically pleasing to capture a shot of. eventually, he did find a few (or rather many) subjects to experiment the extent of his new camera's capabilities on, but unfortunately, the photos he took were all beneath his expectations. whether they didn't seem to contain much contrast between the light and dark, or were zoomed in-and-out at all the wrong places; the quality of the pictures were clearly subpar. and no doubt his professor would agree to that statement if jungkook were ever to present these to him. so to save himself of hearing his words of disapproval, he deleted them all before he went off again to seek other places to snap any satisfying shots of.

thus, the cycle repeated itself for a good hour into the afternoon.

jungkook decides to take a break on the bench to relieve his camera of anymore wasted usage of its battery life. after counting over the estimated one hundred failure shots he just took, he starts wondering: what's wrong here?

surely it can't be the camera – its brand is  of the canon series, which are famously known for their simple interface and aspiring production of great pictures. the images themselves were crisp and sharp when it came to the minor details, however further into that, they lacked any exquisite distinction within their attributes. maybe they'd be sufficient enough to upload onto your everyday-instagram feed with an added filter or two, but you'd definitely never see these in a public photography gallery.

then jungkook realizes... the problem is him.

anyone would know that a camera is nothing without its photographer. it needs someone that's able to add depth into these pixelized images, to choose which angle to position the lens at, a person to zoom in-and-out at all the right spots. someone with a unique mindset of their own that's able to bring the best fabrication of even the smallest elements of any shot. i mean, who else is gonna press the trigger to capture the photograph anyway?

well, it's him – freshman at seoul institute of the arts, rookie photographer – jeon jungkook.

he begins fidgeting around with the camera out of boredom, strolling through the menu screen and checking its many intricate settings before he hears his signature ringtone – the ost of the original iron man movie – play out in his back pocket. he grabs his phone and glances at the screen. then immediately presses accept.


"jungkookie? is this jungkook?" the owner of the voice oddly questions, causing him to roll his eyes.

"yes, yes it is, taehyung." he answers and then hears a bit of a chuckle on the other line.

"haha, sorry, i keep forgetting to add your number into my phone. it's new after all."

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