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jungkook draws open the door to the art studio hesitantly, as to suppress the most noise possible coming from its rusty metal hinges. he halts every time he hears a precipitous creak linger in the silence before resuming forward again. unfortunately, his act to clandestinely enter the room fails when he looks up and realizes taehyung watching him, sitting atop his stool, and aware of his presence, like he had already foreseen it ahead of time.

"haha tae..." jungkook attempts a convincing smile. "about yesterday..."

"yah! do you know how long it took to clean all that crap?" though taehyung speaks sternly at him, his semblance throws off the temper of his tone – arms stiffly crossed against his chest and a pursed pout evident on his lips which only makes him look like a peeved schoolboy. jungkook can't take him seriously because of this and hides his laughter behind the back of his hand, avoiding eye contact.

"seriously, i probably would've gone home later if it weren't for that guy helping me out." he mutters exasperatingly, at which jungkook immediately stops chuckling to look up at him, taking the matter more seriously.

"what... guy?" he asks slowly. taehyung still has his arms crossed as he replies. "i don't know. some dude came into the room about five minutes after you left. he didn't say anything at first and just watched me try to scrub off the paint with the mop," then he gets up from his seat to demonstrate the scene, arms held out before him with his hands wrapped around a nonexistent object – what jungkook assumes to be the 'mop'. "so i was gonna tell him to leave if he was just going to stand there, but then he asked me if i needed any help. then i told him, 'well, what the fuck do you think?'" taehyung pauses a moment, before he raises his shoulders up in an indifferent expression. "i mean, he was better company than you were anyway."

jungkook pays no heed to his last statement as he continues his inquiries. "what did he look like?"

"him? the guy from last night?"

jungkook rolls his eyes. "no shit."

taehyung shrugs once again, then answers, "well he was sweating a bit. not too much, but just enough for me to notice. he also had this really bright orange-dyed hair; like seriously, stick a leaf on his head and he'd look like a fucking mandarin or tangerine or some other citrus fruit." he explains, subconsciously exaggerating his tone.

"and now that i think about it, he was also kind of..." he pauses, rubbing his chin in an effort to recall the particular word to describe his vague memory.


for a visual image, taehyung lifts his hand flat in line with his eyes, which results in jungkook lifting an eyebrow in mild amazement. he didn't look that short onstage, did he?

"why are you asking?" he questions back and jungkook sighs heavily – his mind already in midst of composing an explanation for the entire situation. in the end, he spills all the details relating to last night's unplanned encounter with the spoken dancer to taehyung, whose eyes are widening at every word.

"yah... so that's your reason for ditching me?" taehyung narrows his eyes at jungkook while slapping his friend's arm lightly.

"hey, namjoon and i really did watch descendents of the sun together... surprisingly." he confirms.

"that's damn creepy though; suddenly walking into the theater to see a dancer on the stage, dancing all by himself with no one around." taehyung grows more bewildered picturing the scene. "you sure he wasn't some ghost?"

jungkook rolls his eyes. "tae, i'm not crazy."

"well you're not exactly normal either."

"yeah, and i could say the same to you." he shoots back and taehyung only chuckles, not even bothering to deny the statement. jungkook laughs a bit as well.

"i mean... you saw him yourself. and like i said, i even have a picture of him." he gestures toward his camera which is strapped around his neck, hanging over his chest. "he's real and since he was using the theater, he must be a student here."

"yeah... and now that you know that, you're gonna confront him about that picture you took of him, right?" taehyung concludes. however, jungkook simply looks up at him without responding.

because he hadn't thought that far ahead yet.

resplendence » jikookOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora