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i fucked up. i fucked up. i fucked up. is all jungkook's mind can seem to process as it filters in the afterimage of a white flash.

then his body's first instinct is to rush out of the theater immediately, not daring to glance over at the dancer for his reaction – who by now must have ceased his movements, shocked by the sudden blink of light in the distant darkness.

why the hell was flash on? i was taking pictures in broad daylight today, why would i need the damn flash on?? he curses at his careless error as he dashes out the entrance of the theater, bringing the mop and paint remover, that he had left outside, with him as to avoid any questioning from taehyung.

though he's in such a frantic state, there's certainly no way the dancer can catch up to jungkook now; because when he runs, you can only dream of catching up to him. the boy sprints as fast as a fan jumps onto youtube to watch their favorite idols' new music video. and that's saying something.

thus, jungkook reaches the art studio in rapid time and enters the room in a startling manner, scaring the living daylights out of taehyung.

"h-holy-- yah, what was that about?!" he holds onto his chest, eyes wide like he's just witnessed a restless spirit emerge in front of him. he then realizes jungkook is panting heavily and notes the small trace of sweat dotting his forehead. "where were you? what took you so long?" taehyung briskly questions after taking notice of those details.

" lost..." jungkook manages to reply in between breaths, but doesn't rest as he approaches taehyung and shoves the mop and paint remover into his hands before attempting another rush out the door again.

"where the hell do you think you're going? we still have this entire mess to clean up!"

jungkook halts near the exit of the room, only sparing taehyung a short glance as he's really in too much of a rush to explain the whole situation to him. so he settles for an excuse instead.

"well uhh... the new episode of descendants of the sun airs tonight and namjoon said he'd watch it with me this time so i really should go..." it's a blatant lie of course. the drama had already finished releasing all its scheduled episodes two weeks prior to today, but taehyung doesn't know that since he's still in the process of finishing exo next door at the moment. plus namjoon didn't like watching dramas to even begin with.

jungkook only catches a glimpse of taehyung's mouth opened in mid-speech before he immediately walks out, avoiding his utterances and leaving him to unsully the floor of the spreading paint puddle by himself.

when he leaves, he clutches onto his camera tightly.

• • •

jungkook gazes at his laptop's screen as he lounges on his bed 10:30 at night. there, he glides his finger across the trackpad, guiding the cursor toward the injected sd card icon on his desktop before selecting the item with a single tap. a new window appears promptly afterward, displaying the images presently stored in the small memory card of his camera. he strolls down to the most recent picture captured and double-clicks atop its icon. the image is now shown in full-view.

jungkook's eyes travel in all directions along the expanse of the photo, observing every detail and leaving not a single pixel unseen. the first thing he thinks after noting the specifics of the image is, damn, this is actually a pretty good picture.

in comparison to the many subpar shots he had took earlier today, this one by-far surpasses them all with the amount of composition, contrast, and depth within a single photo. the lighting from the spotlight above added more intensity due to the stage already being casted in darkness, which brought more focus to the main subject of the picture – the dancer – who couldn't have stood out any better. his bright orange hair is an immediate eye-catcher and the way the light shines across his glistening skin as he's seen frozen in motion through the image while in the process of executing another dance move, can have your attention taken in only seconds, pulling you into a trance.

ok, now this whole description is just creepy.

jungkook finds it weird that he's able to pull all these words together to describe even the simplest attributes displayed in mere megapixels. it's like he's some fanboy or something, but yet he doesn't even have basic knowledge of the guy's name. he supposes that explains the saying: 'a picture is worth a thousand words'.

however, that doesn't elucidate the fact that when he captured this moment in the single trigger of his camera, he couldn't utter even one word for a reaction.

maybe it's because his mind was too preoccupied trying to comprehend every element his eyes could view visible in front of him, that he couldn't even voice coherent words. or perhaps witnessing those exquisite motions before yourself, without the restriction of only observing one frame at a time, is what really makes you speechless. it's... strange to him.

without thinking, jungkook suddenly closes his laptop in one swift and instantaneous move – which catches his roommate's attention.

"what was that about?" namjoon questions his abrupt behavior.

"ah... nothing." jungkook responds hesitantly. it's best not to bring up the picture of the dancer as to avoid the complexity of the situation. if anything, he'll likely discuss this with taehyung tomorrow anyway.

"you sure?" he continues, raising an eyebrow suspiciously. "don't tell me you were watching porn."

"wh-what?!" despite being a grown eighteen year old – which are known at this age to have... tempting tendencies – he still feels his cheeks heat up at the thought of such an indecent act. "of course not."

"i mean i'm not judging if you were. i do it sometimes." namjoon shrugs.

"this coming from an literature and philosophy major..."

"hey, studying written works of artistic or intellectual value and fundamental nature of knowledge and existence, and watching random hormonal humans getting off have plenty to do with each other."

"wow, you're so straightforward about this."

namjoon eventually brushes off his comments and goes back to the pages of his book, leaving jungkook in a bit of an awkward position. he glances at his laptop.

nope, there's no way i'm opening that thing again. he acts like the device has suddenly transformed into a manifestation of pandora's box – in which it contained all evils of the world. well either that or it's classified as a blessing. he can't tell.

"hyung." he calls out to namjoon again, unsure of what to do without the company of his laptop.

"yes?" he responds without looking up.

"wanna watch descendents of the sun with me?" jungkook's desperate just to get his mind off that picture and the dancer at this point.

"i don't watch dramas, remember? plus, didn't you finish that show two weeks ago?"

"i don't care. i'll watch it again with you then."

namjoon glances up from the pages, seeing the blunt expression on jungkook's face. it's clear he won't budge. so he tosses his book to the side, releasing a loud sigh.


jungkook grins.


author's note ;

jungkook is me and my bias.

hope you enjoyed the shorter chapter. my goal is to at least update as late as every week, but you can never know how lazy I can get so no guarantee :-)

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