The Heartwarming Reunion!

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Okay! Gomen non-exsistant readers of the story, gomen. I know I have not updated in a while. Again, Gomen! But, here is chapter two! As always, I LOVE reviews. If I did anything wrong, or if you have any ideas, I would be more than happy to listen! I do not mind if you tell me that I did something wrong, so long as you do politely! Also, I might begin doing bits of first person view, just to try it! Tell me if you like it! 

<3 Lily-chan


"L-Leo?" Lucy squealed, and ran up to her brother, enveloping him in a hug. Said brother, however, was still in a state of shock. "Hello! Earth to Loke! Your dear long lost little sister has been looking for you and you just stare off into the stars?" She scoffed. Loke snapped out of it (though a little help, in the form of teenage girl hitting him on the back of the head may been applied.)

"LUCY!" He grinned, and hugged her. "Oh, my beloved little sister has long last come forth from the shadows." Lucy rolled her eyes.

"Still have that dramatic streak in you I see." But she was smiling from ear to ear. 

"Well I am in the drama club you know." He finally let go of his little sister, and turned to Natsu. 

"Thank you Natsu." The pink haired kid shrugged, and smiled childishly. 

"Anything for a friend" They all laughed, and Natsu (and said boy's family ) began to leave.

"We'll give you two some time to catch up. I expect that everyone will see each other when school begins." Grandine pulled her children away from the heartwarming scene. 

Lucy and Loke sat down in the food court. Neither of them were hungry, but just sat, talking to one another. It was then that Loke noticed the bruise on Lucy's cheek. Lucy's hand flew to her face, and she touched the small purple area. 

"Oh, this?" She laughed awkwardly, not exactly sure how to tell her brother what had happened. "It's nothing!" Plan A: Denial. 

"Are you kidding me? You must have had something pretty hard hit you to leave a bruise" He gave her a suspicious look. "Did someone hit you?" Plan A: Failure. Lucy winced, realizing that he was on to her. This, unfortunately for her, did not slip past Mr. Protective Older Brother. "Someone did hit you, didn't they. Was it Natsu? I swear, if he-" Lucy cut him off.

"You really think Natsu would hit me?" She shook her head, and her voice was soft when her answer came. "It was father. He was...angry about some things. He took away my violin, and told me that I couldn't write or read freely anymore-that I had to focus solely on business." Loke's eyes widened, and hardened in anger. 

"Your father...hit you? Hard enough to leave a mark?" He was fuming. "And you tried to cover for him?" 

"Well, I know how protective you are, and I got away, so..." Lucy shrugged. "It's old news, right?" Loke sighed. 

"I guess. But, what I am really curious about on earth did you meet Natsu?" Loke, however, did not know how much he would hate this story as well. 

"Someone tried to KIDNAP YOU?" Loke practically yelled, causing people to turn and look at him. Lucy winced.

"Shush! Plus, it is all okay now! Natsu saved me, right? And if I hadn't met Natsu, I wouldn't have been able to find you!" Good girl Lucy. Always look on the bright side. However, she did notice the group of girls, staring and pointing at her and her brother. She tried to make out their conversation. 

"Who is she?" One particularly desperate looking girl asked. Another responded in horror.

"Do you think...she's his girlfriend?" Her face was terrified. The lackys of the girls (ahaha the word lackys makes me laugh) were shocked. 

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