Young Love <3

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Kon’nichwa Minna-san! My new room in Florida is almost complete! It's lovely indeed! Anyways, here is more of this story. I really need to update my other one, but writers block is a jerk. Anyways, I don't think as many people care about this story as my other one XD Either way I'll continue. Meh. Arigato to everyone who reads! You're all wonderful for managing to get through this. 


Lucy was bright and happy all day the next day, eating a hearty meal for lunch and practically skipping to all her classes. Finally, her new girl-friends cornered her.
“Who is it?” Mira begged.
“What do you mean ‘who is it?” The blonde played dumb.
“Oh come ON~ You’ve been so happy go lucky all day! It’s got to be because of a boy. Do you have a new boyfriend? Or is it ‘just a little crush?’” Lisanna giggled.
“I bet I know who it is....It’s Natsu, isn’t it Lu-chan.” Levy grinned. Lu-chan’s cheeks immediately flamed up.
“I knew it!” The short blue haired girl grinned.
“Keep it down!” Lucy cried, her cheeks still flushed red. “So maybe I have a little crush on Natsu!” The girls snickered.
“Yes. A little crush. In the same way that Cana drinks a little bit.” Everyone laughed.
“You guys are overreacted! I’m going to cheerleading practice because I made the squad.” She grinned and her friends cheered.
“See you later, okay?” The girls grinned.
“If you aren’t too” Cough cough “Busy that is.” Levy chuckled. Lucy just ignored, but knew they were right.
------After school- A few days later!

“Luce! My mum wanted to invite you over for dinner!” A rose haired baka came running towards her. She looked up.
“Tonight? Sure! I mean, it is Friday! So after the football game?” He nodded, and she grinned. “Sounds like a da-plan!” Quickly changing her choice of words, Lucy ran off before he got the chance to respond.
--------Because I’m lazy after the football game!
“You guys won easily! I cannot believe how bad that Eisenwald guild was! At first, it seemed a little unsure, but you won us the game Natsu!” Lucy squealed as she walked to Natsu’s place for dinner.
“Hi Mrs. Grandine! Nice to see you again!” Lucy waved as she took off her shoes at the front door.
“Hello there Lucy! It’s been a while hasn’t it!” Lucy laughed.
“Just a few days!” The woman frowned.
“It feels like so much longer! And Natsu told us that you made the cheerleading team!” Lucy laughed and nodded. Soon they were all seated at the table.
“So are you and Natsu going out yet? I think you’d be so cute together!” Grandine giggled.
“Muum!” Natsu cried, blushing. Lucy was red as well.
“See that Wendy dear! They’re blushing, which means they actually like each other. Take notes for when you find a boy you like.” Now Wendy was red as well.
“Why everyone quiet all of a sudden? Just eat your food!”
-------After Dinner...
“I’ll walk Lucy home now. Be back soon.” Natsu called to his mum after they had finished cleaning up.
“Arigato!” Lucy called as they walked out. The walk to Lucy’s was silent. Both felt a little awkward. The whole time, Natsu was gathering up his courage. Finally, they reached the destination. (I’m just thinking of those navigation things where the robo lady goes You have reached your destination okay now back to the story....)
“So...uh...Lucy.” Natsu mumbled. She looked up as she unlocked the door to her house.
“Yeah? What is it?” Was he...blushing?
“Will....will you go with me tomorrow?” She tilted her head.
“Go with you to where....and for what?”
“Gaah! You’re making this complicated! Will on a date with me? Like, just the two of us? A film? At 5:00?” Lucy’s eye’s widened. Natsu Dragneel....was asking her out?
“That sounds like fun!” Her cheeks were red. “Well...uhh... Oyasuminasai!” She walked in quickly and shut the door. As soon as she did, she slid down it onto the floor. Natsu had just asked her out. Like, on a date. A date date. A romantic date! She was ecstatic.

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