Chapter 3

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I woke up laying on my bed in my room huh how did I get here I thought. I slowly got up feeling dizzy and out of place. The floor made popping sounds under my weight as I slowly made my way down from the attic and into the house. I heard talking it sounded like Michelle and the one and only Michael Clifford himself.

They were making small talk about well school?? Maybe they are plotting my demise Clifford will beat me all day at school and Michelle will finish the job when I get home then she and her husband will throw me in the river and wait a few days then put in a report of me missing then the cops will find me in a near by lake and say I ran away broke my ankle by falling over a root of a tree and was mauled to death by a pack of wolves or a bear or both and after they attacked me the bear pulled me into the lake drowning me of any life I had. Well if that does happen I should start to write my will everything will go to Katrina aka kitty. I heard the front door open and close it must be brissa but everyone calls her bri and never call her brissa.

Her and Michael hang in the same area and are on the same popularity level. I guess being the school bad boy and the Most popular girl in school has a few perks. I walked into the kitchen to see Michael and Michelle talking about something but their conversation stopped when Michael looked up and asked if I was OK it almost sounded liked he cared if I was OK. Michelle looked up from her cup of coffee and gave me a you are dead if u say something wrong look. Realizing I haven't answered Micheal I replied with a yes while
Looking at my dirty converses. Hmm I got a new rip on the side.

Foot steps approached and I looked to see Bri walk-in with a shirt that was basically a bra and shorts so short they looked like boy cut underwear but denim. When she saw Micheal she walked over too him and kissed him straight on the lips ewwww that is gross. They parted after a few minutes and she breathlessly asked why he was their. "L passed out after she almost got hit by a car so I brought her home her room I didn't even know existed until now" he said looking at me. Why did he save me this morning he said to go die and now he stopped me from dying I was basically was doing what he said to do besides it being me wanting to get hit by the car. "wow L your really over dramatic passing out after almost being hit my a car wow that's low". I'm so sorry that I get panic attacks and had one by almost dying sorry if that was over dramatic I said in my head but really on said to her "yeah umm... OK ". "Well I better get home before it gets too dark" Michael said. "oh well L will take u home then" Michelle said with venom dripping when she said my one lettered name. "I-i-it ov-v-ver th-i-is way" I said stuttering like crazy you try having to have to walk your bully home to their house it's nerve racking.

I walked out side the house in front of Micheal. "Hey L you know I can walk myself I mean you shouldn't walk around alone outside in this town at night" Michael said why does he sound like he cares.

"i-i-i-it-s o-o-ok-k" I said stuttering even worse now man I am really nervous and I don't know why.
"hey are you OK your stuttering you never stutter even...whe...n... I.... Uhhhh.... Y..ou" Michael said trailing off and voice becoming lower as he said the last part. We soon reached his house. glob I have to walk back in the night home darn I thought while he walked up his steps. "bye" I said not stuttering.
He relpyed with a bye back and walked in. As I was walking home I looked to see the bar an drunk men whistling at me gross. Walking quicker I heard one yell for me to stop. I was then grabbed by the hood of my jacket and pulled into the ally.

When I say to stop you listen to me you hear a man who looked in his Thirty's and drunk as ever his breath reaked of alcohol. "Now what do we have here" he said slurring his words I tried to break free of his grip but he had my arms pulled over my head and his body on me so I couldn't move my legs. He started to kiss my neck ask I was trying to break free no way was I gonna lose my first kiss and other stuff to this man. I got one of my legs free then Kneed him in him private part. The man immediately double over letting go of me getting this chance I ran but was soon grabbed and throwing on the ground scrambling I tried to get free but he was soon sitting on my stomach and put my arms over my head.

"you have been a very bad girl you need to be punished" he said picking up my head and slamming it into the ground. My vision became blurry and I started seeing spots no no no you are not gonna pass out no no no my heart started beating really fast great why won't I get a panic attack I am being attacked.

The man started kissing my neck again but starting going to my ear then my cheek he lifted his face and I headbutted him this time he didn't loose his grip and slammed my head into to hard concrete ground I felt warmness come out as he started to kiss me again dang it no he will not have my first kiss I said thrashing even more to try and escape not helping that more blood is coming out of my head. "hey"! Was yell and then the man was off of me and I saw a leather jacket tackle the man and beat him till he knocked out. As my world got foggy and I couldn't really see I Heared the one and only Michael Clifford ask if I was OK. "wait I dropped you off at home" was what came out of my mouth as I let darkness engulf me.


Hey sorry I haven't updated in forever I will try to update again and start liking updating every week or so OK OK so tell meh what you think see ya my 👻 ghost


I still think your beautiful (micheal clifford)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon