Liam POV Part 4

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" Uh why. And where is my brother anyway?" He asked confused

" Uncle Liam! He is gonna beat up someone down frosty lane" Maddie squealed at me! " Can you imagine a shorty like my Dad beating up a guy" Willow laughed. Then fell on the ground in fits with the other two following her lead. I looked over at Miley, she was struggling to hold her laughter in. I started to chuckle. These three were back together and mischief was about to happen. I could sense it.

" Who's he beating up now" I asked

" Uh this guy that stalks us" Cassie said happily

" Cass why do you sound so happy" my daughter asked

" Oh just 'cause. Oh wait I forgot what we were talking about for a minute" She giggled

" Anyway where is he beating him up" I asked

" Down frosty road! We already told you" They screamed

" Okay bye I'll get the security on the down" I said. " Wait make this clear. A guy that is so short is trying to beat up a guy" I added

" I Know RIGHT" They replied. Well screamed at me with laughter.

" Stay here the three of you" I warned

" Yes Daddy"

" Yes Uncle"

" Yes Liam" We all answered with grins. None of us were gonna stay!


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