Maddie POV Part 7

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I was dragged back up to the theatre room by Dad and he was giving me a lecture about.... To be honest I don't know cause I'm not listening to anything he's saying. Was he taking away my sweet Joshifers? Or my hunger game pictures? I wondered worried. They meant the world to me! Well only Joshifer cause Willow and I ship names but.. We just got back to the theatre and realized that there was a whole crowd of fans who suddenly stopped screaming Josh's name when they saw him dragging me. Then out of no-where my phone went off at least a million times. ( Okay I'm kinda exaggerating. IT WENT OFF A BILLION) ALl of my notifications were so full and I was star struck. I looked over to Cassie and Willow and theirs were doing the same. I decided to open up a instagram post. It had a photo of josh dragging me and caption. #OMG LOOK AT JOSH I LITERALLY HATE HIM RIGHT NOW!!

I gasped no. I looked at all the comments. Omg I officially hate Joshua Ryan Hutcherson and I think he should die in hell!!

I had to do something. I grabbed the mike and said " Haha did you guys really fall for that act. It was all a plan sillies" I laughed.

" Yeah come on guys. Do you really think I would do that to my precious daughter" Dad said helping me out.

" Yeah. And you guys know that we wouldn't let Joshy hurt our best friend!" Willow and Cassie said joining in the fun too. The again our phones went off buzzing non-stop. Again I opened a post and read it. CAPTION: Oops so sorry guys it was all for show. I still love Joshua Ryan Hutcherson and I hope that he doesn't die at all and if he should he shall die in heaven. I checked the comments. Agreed most of them said. " It's so funny how fans change their minds like after they hear something" I whispered

" Yes. I know" Willow laughed


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