#25 What he loves (physically) about you:

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What he loves (physically) about you:


Your eyes. While you're always busy gushing over his mint green ones he can't stop staring at your dark hazel eyes. He thinks they're the most beautiful things he's ever seen. He loses his train of thought looking at you all of the time.


Your voice. He thinks you have the kindest, soft spoken voice he's ever heard. It has an innocent quality to it, almost childlike. It reminds him alot of his mother which is comforting to him.


Your smile. He loves the fact that you have braces. He thinks it makes you look even more adorable than before you had them. The braces take years off of your appearance making you look even younger than you are and twice as cute.


Your lips. He can never stop kissing you. He's in love with your full pink lips and how soft they are. Not to mention it drives him wild how you constantly wet them without even noticing.

5 Seconds of Summer preferencesWhere stories live. Discover now