Chapter thirty-two

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The ride was silent but it wasn't an awkward silence more like a comfortable one. The area he..well I guess I could say we...lived in was beautiful at night. Every building was lit up and different colors. You could see through some of the apartment buildings, business organizations, little town shops, and many restaurants. Then I feel a warm hand touch my thigh taking my attention away from the view outside to a different view I could never get tired of looking at. He smiles brightly at me and gave me a quick squeeze to my thigh as in a way of saying 'love you'. I just smiled back almost as brightly as he did and he takes it looking back at the road.

"So where are we going tonight?" I ask shifting my body to his direction.

"That's for me to know and you to find out my love" he says darting his emerald eyes at me making me get butterflies.

"Really styles" I give him the eye "just spill"

"That would ruin the fun" he smirks at me like this is some little game.

"Alright then" I out my hands up in defeat jokingly.

"Trust me you'll love it" he says

"Well I sure hope so" I say continuing to joke around with him. He always cracks a smile whenever I joke around with him which then makes me smile.

We've been drive for what feels like forever and I start to get uncomfortable in this right dress. We are literally in the middle of no where. That's until Harry takes a sharp turn on a dirt road and then stops the car in blackness.

"Uh...Harry are we lost?" I say to him and he just smiles getting out of the car. I feel like I'm part of a scary movie like a guy is gonna come out of nowhere and kill us. But Harry walks over to my door and opens it holding his hand out. I hesitate and don't grab it.

"Come on babe, your safe remember, your with me" he says opening his hand wider and I just take it and get out of the car.

He leads me down a long kinda dark path. That's until I start to see a little bit of light. Why is there a patch of light in the middle of no where. We get closer and closer and I start to see strands of lightbulbs along the trees. Once we are out if the thick trees we are in a huge open area with a picnic table that has candles, flowers and of course food. I am in aw so I start to walk around and there is a pond behind us that glistens from the moon above us. I turn around to see a smiling Harry.

"So do yo-" I cut him off by running over to him and attaching my body to his and he grabs ahold of me instantly. I've never had someone do this for me and it makes me speechless.

"I love it" I say as I pull away a little to look into his eyes. His emerald eyes sparkle from the little lights around us.

"That's what I was going for beautiful" he gives me a kiss on the nose making my face scrunch and he smiles at my actions. He smiles at me then let's me go and walks over to the little table pulling out the chair gesturing me to sit. I take his gesture and sit down.

"So miss Emma. I decided to cook for us" he smirks and lifts the lid off my plate and reveals a beautiful plate of spaghetti with seasoning on it making my mouth water.

"Wow this looks incredible" grabbing my fork ready to dig in. He laughs a little and starts to eat his along with me.

The dinner was amazing. We joked around and laughed so hard we were gasping for air at some points. What I really loved was he opened up a little more with me about his life. I added a couple things in about mine but not much because there wasn't many things to tell. We finished pretty quick because of how hungry we were.

"Im stuffed" I land my hands on my stomach and rub it like I would explode any second. I close my eyes and let my body relax.

"Emma" I hear next to me and look over to see Harry on his knee. What is he doing? This makes my heart drop so far "I'm not proposing if your thinking that" making my heart go back to were it belongs. "I just wanted to say thank you. You've changed my life in the most positive way. Ever since that night I saved you something in my head switched. You were the one my mind was telling me I needed. The reason I am on my knee is because Emma, I want to ask you if you will finally be mine? I really love you more than anyone in the world and I want to make you the happiest girl in the world"

I was honestly speechless. Is this what love felt like? Maybe I do love Harry. He makes me happy, my heart flutter, gives me butterflies every time he looks at me, and of course makes me smile and laugh at anything.I love Harry styles.

"Yes yes yes!" I get off my seat and land into his arms. He lifts me up off the ground and spins me around.

He soon lets me down and I look into his twinkling eyes. "I love you" I say right into his eyes. They open up brightly and he just kisses me.

"I love you more" he says went he breaks the kiss.

"Not possible" I reconnect our lips.

The night continues on with us joking around and admiring the stars. It starts to get a little late to were we were both falling asleep on the ground in each others arms.

"Babe we should head home" that sentence makes my heart flutter.

"I'm too tired to get up" I whine to him and he just lifts me up with no argument and walks us back to the car setting me in my seat.

"What about the stuff you did for dinner?" I ask him not opening my eyes because I was too tired to.

"I can come get it tomorrow morning" he starts the car and takes us back home. I ended up passing out as soon as we made it out of the woods.

I soon feel the car stop then a pair of arms lift me back up. I cling on to him and let him take me to the room.

"Do you want to get changed first?"

I nod my head and let's me down in our room. I grab a crop top and some shorts then jump right into bed next to him. He immediately grabs me and cuddles me into him.

"Goodnight my love" he snuggles more into me.

"Goodnight babe" I finally say and let sleep take over me.

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