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In this version of the world, Chatrapathi Shivaji and his Maratha warriors wage an epic war against the Mughals and succeed in driving them out of the nation. This war lasted many decades and not only wiped out the Mughals from Bharat, but also prevented the Europeans from entering the nation. Except for the period during the war, Bharat's research and advancements in technology saw an unhindered growth. As a result of this, their technology was roughly one hundred years more advanced than the real world. The mathematical genius of India was unparalleled across the world, eventually leading to a beautiful union with physics which saw new inventions being created that were much ahead of the real world.

The first calculating machine was invented in the 1700's. Also, the invention of the first steam engine by Ibn-Al-Haitan in the 1550's paved the way for quick advancements in engine technologies.

The industrial revolution started in India in 1660, and continued on to the 1780's to 1800's, and as a result

· Computer technology uses the quaternary logic instead of the binary, and Sanskrit is used as a programming language.

· The Bharathiya Chal Chitra or the Hindustani movie industry is the most dominant in the world, and so there is no separate music industry

· Ayurveda is a mainstream medicine

· Panchayat is the main mode of administration in Bharat.

· Hinduism is the predominant religion in the world

· World architecture is dominated by south Indian temple pyramid structures, and also Islamic motifs

· Both airplanes and Zeppelins exist

· Kusthi, Kabbadi, Polo and chess are hugely popular

· Vedic education system is the predominant education type in the world.

Summary of the Alternate History: Hinduism has always been the strongest aspect of Bharat. This timeline denotes a split in history that occurred before the Mughals invaded India. However, although the Mughals did invade India, the Hindustani missionaries had already settled down throughout the world in an attempt to spread Vedic education. With education playing such a central role in this alternate history, the emperors of the middle ages took advantage of this and increasingly stressed religion in their studies. This eventually made a world that had predominantly Hindu beliefs.

The Mughals learnt to co-exist with the Hindus until Chhatrapati Shivaji managed to unite India under his rule, wiping them out and taking over their empires. As he wiped out the Mughals, he also sent his best troops across the globe in a quest of land acquisition. This resulted in the Shivaji's ruling England for three generations. Some aspects of the Islamic origins remained in the Hindu culture and these aspects have been ported over to the rest of the world.

Bharat now includes real world Pakistan, Afghanistan, Burma, Thailand, Cambodia, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei, Tibet, Philippines, Indonesia and parts of the Yunnan province in China.

For a more elaborate explanation of the alternate history timeline and the technologies existent in the story, please read about the same towards the end.

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