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Decades have passed since he left,

Oddly, considering our history of war, we were doing very well.

Certainly it’s beautiful here,

Though I’m not surprised he left,

Obviously, why stay on one planet when you have all of time and space?

Right about now, I think I’m talking like I’ve met him,

For now, I haven’t, but I want to,

I will someday, if I can find him.

Not in a week, maybe not even in a year, but I will find him,

Don’t I have to find him?

My mission is to find him,

Exactly what I was created to do.

Looking at this situation, He is honestly our only hope, our only hope at survival.

Oh, After I find him, and

Very shortly after this war,

Everywhere and anywhere, we’re gonna travel, and never stop travelling,

Just you watch.  

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