Chapter Three: The Bad Wolf

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Chapter Three: The Bad Wolf

They were both women, blond, most likely mother and daughter.

“Hello, dearie, how are you?” Asked the older one as I finished screaming. All I could do was look at them, this was all too much, so confusing.

"What’s your name? What were you doing crashing from the sky like that?” The younger one asked. This time I found my voice, they would probably have no clue what I was on about, but I was worth a try.

“I’m looking for the Do-“ I cut off as a new person entered the room. He was tall and skinny in a brown pin striped suit. He looked like an average human but I knew better, this was unmistakably, The Doctor, around the 10th regeneration. I think. “Doctor?” I asked turning the last part of my sentence into a question. How could this be the Doctor? That’s it, I must be dead, I’m dead, I crashed through a star or something, this is not happening.

“Well,” said the Doctor, “Not quite.”

“What do you mean? You’re The Doctor; you’re who I’m looking for!”

 “No, not quite, I think you must be looking for the other Doctor, I’m Rose by the way.” Said the younger girl. Rose, hmm, that was a familiar name from lessons. Yes, she was a companion of the Doctor, she was the Bad Wolf. Suddenly it all came back to be, the army of ghosts,  the parallel world, Bad Wolf bay, the half human Doctor. I had landed, somehow, in Rose’s parallel world. I groaned internally.

“Well then, how long did I miss the other Doctor by?” I asked.

“About 5 minutes, actually. He just left, with that girl, Donna, and we were heading off when this great big space ship just crashed, right there on the bay. I’m Jackie, just to let you know.” I groaned again. 5 minutes! I was 5 minutes off finding the Doctor and going home!

“Just my luck then, why did I have to come five minutes late?” I wondered aloud.

“Well,” said the Doctor, answering what wasn’t really a question, “Had you come any later, well, you wouldn’t have been able to come, this reality was closing itself off. Had you come too much earlier and you would’ve been here before us, you would’ve woken up with not a clue where you were, and quite possibly died of smoke inhalation, you’re ship starting smoking pretty bad not long after we got you out, and had you came ‘right on time’ you would have risked killing everyone when you crashed.” I nodded, he did have a point. “Oh, you and you haven’t told us yet, what’s your name?”

“Jenny.” He didn’t say anything but a look of pain passed across the Doctor’s face. “I’m named after her.” I said, more to the Doctor than anyone else, but it was Rose who answered.

“Who are you talking about, Doctor?”

“Let me explain,” I said beginning to recite what school children of Messaline had been learning in history since the planets early days of colonisation, “Not that long ago the Doctor visited a planet called Messaline. He was travelling with Donna, Martha was there too, but he was trying to take her home. He arrived on Messaline to find it in civil war, between the humans and the H’ath. Both the humans and H’ath had ‘people making’ machines which they were using to create their armies. One of such machines took a tissue sample from the Doctor and created a person, his daughter. Donna named her Jenny for ‘Generated Anomaly’. The Doctor, Jenny, Martha and Donna worked to stop the war, but Jenny was shot. The Doctor left. Little known to the Doctor, she was not dead but she lived and went of to travel the star, and something about ‘doing lots of running.’”

“Wait, so Jenny’s not dead?”

No, she’s alive and well.” The Doctor could have died right there, I can’t describe the look on his face, and I didn’t know it was possible for someone to look so excited.  

“Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you.” He said pulling me up into a big hug. He didn’t stop thanking me all day.   I told him I didn’t actually have anything to do with it, but he was thanking me for telling him, all this time he had thought Jenny was dead.


The next day I was feeling much better. I told them about Messaline, the Daleks and my mission.  

“I wish we could come with you Jenny, you need all the help you can get, but getting you back to your reality will rip a hole in the fabric of space and time or something like that. We can’t afford to make that hole bigger be coming with you and then coming back. As it is, I don’t think you can even take your ship with you.” said Rose.

“I wish you could come too, I do really need help. The Daleks aren’t a foe you can study to fight; it’s all in the moment and in experience. And, it’s okay about my ship, it’s nice, but I understand if I can’t take it. I’ve gotten here; I should need my ship much more. Hopefully, I’ll be doing the return trip in the TARDIS. Rose, Doctor” I said addressing them each in turn, “I’m giving you the ship, you two can travel the stars again." 

Rose smiled, "Thanks but we won't be needing it." she said with a grin. "C'mon, I gotta show you something." Rose grabbed my arm and pulled me through the the hall and down the stair to the basement. In the basement there was heaps high tech equipment and right in the centre was what I remembered from my training as a piece of TARDIS coral.

"Y-your growing a TARDIS?" I stammered.

"Yes." said the Doctor, entering the room. "Donna and the other Doctor gave us a piece of TARDIS coral to grow our own."

"B-but, doesn't that take thousands of years?" I asked.

"Well usually but-"

"Let me guess, you've found a guiniess way to speed up the process?"

"Donna thought of it."

"Of course." I smiled. 

“Back to your problem, Jen. I’m guessing your training covered a history of how I’ve defeated the Daleks in the past?” The Doctor asked.

“Yes, it did.”

“Then I’m not sure what else I can help you with from here.” He said, meaning this reality as here.

“Well, you two could give me pointers on how to find, er, the other Doctor.” I suggested.

“What regeneration would you be after?” The Doctor asked.

“My team decided any regeneration from the ninth on would be the best. Then you’ve had a great deal of experience with the Daleks, I would be even better if you'd already been to Messaline, that will save a lot of explaining and confusion but any regeneration would be great.”

“Ninth and Tenth you’re looking at early twenty-first century, usually London.” said Rose.

“Thanks Rose, anything else?” I asked.

“Ooh! Jenny! You could meet us! Doctor, remember when we just got back from that planet with the black hole and we came back to Earth, and we were walking down that street, remember? We could right down the date and time for Jenny, and she could meet us there!” Rose said excitedly.

“Good idea, Rose, there’s just one problem, I haven’t been to Messaline yet then. It would confuse my time stream too much." He paused and thought, "But, there’s no reason we couldn’t do something very similar to that. Why not meet me while I’m dropping Martha home after I’ve just been to Messaline?” The Doctor said while hastily scribbling down an address, date and time onto a spare piece of paper. He then scribbled some more stuff down and said, “When you get to Earth, go straight to this time and address. Meet me and Donna, maybe Martha too. If I need convincing show me this piece of paper, I’m writing myself a note. I f that fails altogether go here.” He said writing another address down, “Torchwood, I’m writing another note to Captain Jack.”I just nodded while the Doctor continued to write down furiously in the piece of paper.

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