Chapter Two: Daleks

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Chapter Two: Daleks

Quickly I cut the engines, Turned off all the lights and well everything and ejected all of the escape pods. Now was the difficult part. I had to sit and wait while the ship drifted painfully slowly past Riddana, but not closer enough that there is any chance of it getting caught in Riddana’s gravitational pull.

Hopefully, the Daleks won’t notice anything suspicious; they will simply believe it’s an abandoned ship. That’s how I’m trying to make it look anyway. Like, I said, their scans won’t detect me as a proper life form, but if the Daleks came across a ship cruising through space as well as if it were being piloted, even if they could detect no life forms aboard, they would assume something was up and investigate. Therefore, I’m trying to make it look like this is just a ship which has recently been evacuated and is drifting through space.

So that means, no engines, no power, oh and the air will eventually run out. I’m hoping that I’ll have just henough air to make it past the Daleks, but I can’t be sure. Lack of oxygen isn’t really a problem I planned on encountering. So basically I just have to sit here ‘pretending I’m not home’, bored and sick with worry (of running out of air, of being found) as my ship makes it’s slow way past Riddana. What fun.

I’ve been sitting here for a while now. I looked out my window (something I’ll be too scared to do when I get closer) and saw Riddana getting closer, I don’t know how close or how long I’ve been sitting, my clock and navigation system where things I had to turn off. The air still feels normal, for now, which is good because there’s still quite a distance to go.

Centuries ago, on Old Earth, there was a hobby known as ‘Mountain Climbing’ where people would try and climb mountains, just for fun. When you climb a mountain, as you get higher altitudes, there is less oxygen. It takes longer to adapt the higher up you go. Oxygen loss did cross my mind at home so I did some research. There were sources about altitude sickness and none really gave me much help, they told me symptoms and problems but they all basically ended the same, when you lose oxygen completely, you die. I’m finding it hard to stay optimistic right now.

Okay, I’ve made a plan. If I really run out of air, I’ll just turn everything back on and zoom out of here as fast as I can. Why not just turn the air on? Because it would be just as detectable as if turned everything on. At least if I put the engines on too I have the slightest chance of escape. Not that I’m planning on running out of air, positive thoughts, I must stay positive. That’s what Mum always said.

Much more time has passed (again not sure how much). I’m too scared to look out of the window now, but guessing by the rate I was drifting before, I should be just in line with Riddana now. Butterflies started to flutter in my stomach and my palms began to sweat. These were probably the most crucial moments, my ship in full view of the Daleks.  

I heard my communication system crackling to life,

“This is Da-lek Co-man-der 2-5-3-2-0. A-ny life forms on board will sur-en-der to the Da-leks! Da-leks are su-preme!” I waited, holding my breath, to scared even to breathe. This was possibly the final test. I did nothing, just let the ship keep drifting. My oxygen was starting to run out, but I couldn’t turn everything on now, not with the Daleks so focused on me.

The communictions crackled again but this time I think it was turned on accidentally, I could hear the Daleks talking in the background. It’s getting hard to breathe.

“Ship a-pears des-er-ted, pre-pare for de-struc-tion of trans-port!” Oh no! The Daleks want to fire at the ship! This is NOT a good time to realize the deflector shields were left on. When the Daleks fire at the ship they’re going to wonder why the ship isn’t destroyed. The deflector shields only work if there is someone on board and I can’t turn the shields off without starting the engine again. This isn’t looking good.

My oxygen’s still running out but I’m trying to think. As soon as the Daleks fire they’ll know the ship’s not empty. We didn’t count on them firing at an empty ship, but now I think about it, why wouldn’t they? The Daleks will fire and then when they notice the shields they will keep firing until they destroy the shields and completely destroy the ship. Or pull the ship to Riddana and kill me there…

Still running out of time and air… I heard the daleks over the communition again,

“Pre-paring to fi-re”

Deciding to resort to my first plan I quickly fired up the hyper driver engines, I had no time to start the oxygen or even do some navigation. I realized I could end up anywhere. Crossing my fingers that I wouldn’t crash through a star, I pulled the lever all the way back and blasted though space at hyper-speed. I still hadn’t turned the oxygen back on. I swayed and fell to the floor, stars beginning to dance around my eyes. My last conscious thought was hoping that I remembered to set the oxygen to turn on automatically after 3 minutes of hyper-drive… The last thing I felt was the ship shaking violently. (So much for not crashing through something), then I blacked out.

Birds were chirping nosily outside. Hang on, birds chirping? I must still be, dreaming, unconscious. I started to blink my eyes open. I was in a bed, in a cute little room, there was window and sunlight was streaming in. Yes, there were birds chirping outside. The room was old fashioned, maybe the 3000s, no, much further back than that! I’m thinking very early 2000s. Not even 2100. There was cute peach coloured floral, ‘wallpaper’ I think it’s called.

I’ve been though space, running out of air and trying to hide from the Daleks. But somehow, not knowing where I was or how I got there was even more terrifying. I couldn’t help but scream, and scream and scream. I had a feeling ‘time’ had something to do with this and that scared me half to death. I kept screaming until there was a knock on the door, and without waiting for my answer, two people entered…

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