Chapter one: Take Off

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Chapter One: Take Off

“Jenny! Jen wake up!” I heard my mother, well technically my mother and father, shout from the kitchen. I opened my eyes groggily and got dressed and ready for the day. I stumbled to the kitchen in my purple t-shirt and black quarter length leggings. My blond my hair was pulled back in a messy ponytail. Not quite the stuff my fashion obsessed friends would wear, but my instructors had taught me, always be prepared for running.

Mum handed me a plate of toast and I gobbled it down while she watched me, looking worried.

“Jen, hunny, you’re gonna be just fine. You’ve been to heaps of these things before, just stay calm.” Mum said. Me stay calm? She’s the one who looks like she could turn completely grey from stress on the spot.

“I know, Mum, it’s all gonna work out.” I said, more to reassure her than myself.

“I know, but I worry about you hunny! All the stress and pressure you must be under, then in less than a week, you’ll be in space, all alone! Travelling through time! Saving the world! My little girl, saving the world!” She looked like she was on the edge of tears, “But don’t you worry hunny, no matter how long it takes, you will find the Doctor, and then he’s a time-traveller right? You can come back in time and stop all this, right? Hunny, you’ve got all the time in the world in a time machine!”

This was what I was scared of, Time Travel. The monster, the Aliens, even the Daleks, all seemed so insignificant compared to time. What if I broke some sort of time rule? Crossed my own time-line? Changed a fixed point? Caused a rift in time and space? Caused a crack in time? Created a paradox? The scary list went on and on.

“And then” I realised Mum had still been talking while I was freaking out about time in my head, “You’ll be with the Doctor, and then you’ll be safe, and you’re gonna bring him here and save us all.” I nodded,

“You make it sound so simple Mum.”

“I will be simple, for someone as brilliant as you Jen.” She said kissing me on the head. “Now off you go to your meeting.”

“Now, Jennifer, what do you plan to do when you get out into space?” The H’ath government official who I’d forgotten the name of asked me. Well, firstly, I’m going to make my way towards old Earth, as that was his favourite planet. On the way I’ll be looking for time travel transportation and any leads on Jenny, you know, the Jenny, his daughter. Originally, I was going to go after her first but then I decided it was a waste of time, time is something we do not have at the moment.” There were various nods, Human and H’ath at the table. “She probably knows less about his whereabouts than I do any couldn’t really be much help. But if I find leads on my way, I will try to find her, but I won’t do so in situations where it risk the mission, only if I hear she’s close by.”

There were more nods at the table, so I continued, “When I get to old Earth, I’ll look for anyone who may have known the Doctor, to see if they can help me. Then, if I don’t have time travel transportation yet, I’ll keep looking for that. When I get time travel, I’ll make my way to old Earth England, London, and time travel back to the years we decided to target, 2006-2015. I’ll also be looking for people who knew him to help locate him. Then when I find him, using his time travel transport, the TARDIS, time and relative dimensions in space, we’ll come back here and defeat the Daleks.” There were cheers from everyone at the table as I spoke the last words, but I decided to finish me speech off further, “And we know he can defeat the Daleks, don’t they call him, ‘the oncoming storm’?” There were further cheers and applause and I felt proud of myself, I’d brought the hope, and not false hope either, I will find the Doctor and the Daleks will be stopped.

The rest of the week, emergency trainings and packing and meetings and planning, just flew by. Before I knew it I was climbing into my very own space cruiser 3200. Yup, top of the range, the government doesn’t go cheap when it comes to saving their race.

I turned on the engine and flicked various switches setting up navigation, hyper driver, weapons and deflector shields (weapons would be kind of fun to use, but I was really hoping I wouldn’t have to use them. As I waited for the good ahead from the launch crew, I thought back on the morning, the teary good goodbye with Mum, saying good bye to my home, my planet for who knows how long.

My radio snapped me out of my thoughts,

“Ground crew to Jenny, ground crew to Jenny, Come in Jen. Over." I recognized Nellie, one of my instructors speaking. I held the button and replied,

“This is Jenny to ground crew, all sytems are functioning, am I clear for take off? Over." I waited and Nellie replied,

"Ground crew to Jen, it’s all good to go Jenny! Over." I grinned and got ready to take off, sending my last message,

"Jenny to Ground crew, about to take off, Nellie, send my love to Mum, over and out!” With that I took off and into the sky.

The noise was nearly deafening, even with ear plugs, it was amazing. I felt myself being taken higher and higher into the sky, this is what I had dreamed of and trained for my whole life.

Flying got much easier once I broke free of Messaline's gravity and atmosphere. It was smooth cruising all the way to Riddana, and I was really enjoying it. All too soon Riddana came into sight, that big yellow planet, fear seeped into my stomach. Riddana was the planet closest to ours, it was also the Daleks' current residence, until they finish and move on the exterminating our home, Messaline. If the Daleks' scans pick up my ship I'm dead, literally... This is where things get tricky...

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