Chapter 3

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  ✖️ KAYLA ✖️

"Write a piece about who you are. That's all I'm going to say. The rest you need to figure out." That was what he said, word for word.  

I was writing my piece for Creative Writing. The first week of school had gone, and its puny small writing assignments were gone too. This was our first major piece. It was entitled "Who Am I." So far my mind was blank. Of course I knew the basics, and I knew the deeper stuff (to some extent..?) but what should I put on paper? Some things are better kept to yourself. I took a deep breath, typed up the title, my name, pressed enter, and then hit tab. 

I'm Kayla. Kayla Carter. I'm a senior at Eastwood High, and I'm 17 years old. 

I exhaled. That introductory sentence would do. 


"This is absolute crap," he said with a laugh. I had just submitted my paper to Mr. Hennessy. "If you were to actually hand this in, I would give it a D-. It's truly horrible."

My face reddened. 

"But it fits all your requirements," I protested. "It's a piece on who I am."

"No it's not. This right here is your public file with transition words added in between. No," He paused for a second. "I could find out much more from your public file," he decided. "You can't possibly write like this."

"Well I do," I said, seething. "You've SEEN how I write. Why'd you let me in this class if you think my writing is crap?" He looked up and chuckled. 

"I let you in this class because you have potential, not because you were good. This piece lacks any sort of depth. If someone read this, they wouldn't know what type of person you are. But with that said, don't whine. You have tomorrow to hand me a new paper, or you will get a D-."

"Tommorrow," I almost yelled. "But that-"

"Tomorrow or nothing," he stated. "Now leave my classroom."

In that moment, I decided that the rest of this year was going to be unbearable with Mr. Hennessy. As I exited the classroom, steam practically coming out of my ears, I bumped into someone. Frustrated and not in the mood to deal with anything, I looked up.

"Are you ok," asked the now almost too familiar voice of Jaxon Levi. He sounded sincere. "You look bothered."

"It's whatever." I was really not in the mood for a heart-to-heart. But I couldn't resist spilling what happened to my former friend. "Mr. Hennessy gave me a D on my piece," I admitted. 

He looked alarmed. But then his face softened. "He's a huge ass," he said. "He isn't satisfied with anything. But I bet your piece was amazing." I felt my cheeks oddly warming. 

"Did you turn yours in yet?" He nodded. "What did you get?"

"B+." Lucky son of a gun! "But don't sweat it! Just resubmit one tomorrow and you'll do ok!" Before walking away, he whispered, "tell me if you need help. I'd be more than happy to give you a critique, Hennessy style!" He ran off, leaving me with a smile. 

Jaxon was so cute.




What just happened? 

I shook whatever it was off, and walked to Rose, who was reapplying her mascara. 

Lunch came soon, and I couldn't help but notice Josh and Jaiden were missing. But I think they were on a good note, as Jaid had seemed extra nice this morning, even asking Rose about her makeup, which she had never really cared about. 

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