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If humans has the power to just, let's say touch someone on the forehead, as that person would understand how they feel about the topic. ALL PROBLEMS WOULD BE SOLVED!!! Like if a war started, touch someone forehead with your finger and bam, the other side knows how you feel and why you started the war. AND THEN YOU COULD END THE WAR. Having a debate with someone? Just do that! Fighting for what you believe? JUST DO THAT! Trying to tell people how voting for Trump is the worst decision ever made? DO THAT!!! BAM ALL OF EARTHS PROBLEMS SOLVED BY ONE COMMON SUPER POWER!!!!!!! OR AT LEAST MOST OF THEM!!! HOW GREAT WOULD THIS BE?!? Seriously, this needs to be a thing.
Yay! I'm getting a lot better at updating my books more often! I'm proud of myself.

That crazy person,
-Resa (^.^)

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