My dog (Currently)

40 4 15

LOOK AT THIS ADORABLE SMOL DOG! He is the dog for this story, I know, he's adorable. ANYWAY! Onto the story!
So my mom is driving me to school today, and normally we bring our two small dogs along with us because they love car rides! But recently my dog has been throwing up (I know for a fact someone out there cringed at that) He even threw up in the car yesterday...! And so today my smol dog who has been throwing up (Since we have 2 dogs) kept coming over to me to sit on my lap. I love my smol dog, but I didn't really want to get thrown up on... And so I tried to give him a hint to go to my mom's lap instead.... But then he kept coming back to sit on my lap...! I GAVE INTO THE CUTENESS. So I was like "WHY DO YOU LOVE ME SO MUCH RIGHT NOW?!" But I don't blame my smol dog for throwing up. Just a little rant for right now...

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