My brother

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What basically happens before this:
My family wanted me to play a card game with them but I wanted to play minecraft so they let me•••
(my bother is in college btw)
So my brother walks into the living room where I was just on my phone, on the couch. Then suddenly he got on the topic of "realms on minecraft are pointless" and so he just kept adding another question to what i tried I tell him. Example:
Brother- I mean you could easily just play single player
Me-but then the other people can't get on.
Brother- so? Realms always get boring eventually and everyone alway--(blah blah money, blah blah server, blah blah free) and he would continue with this for like 2 minutes questioning me and stuff. And I was like "IT'S MIDNIGHT STOP BEING A DETECTIVE I'M TOO TIRED FOR THIS" oh yeah I get really crazy when I'm tired :P I should probably go to bed so, Byeeeee

That tired person,
-Resa (^.^)

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