Chapter 6

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I wake up the next morning and neither Danny or Justin are in the room. It's just me, laying in Dannys bed. I walk downstairs after throwing my hair in a bun. "Good morning Gemma, please take a seat" Mrs.Blake asks politely and I sit across from her and the boys confused. "You seem to have put my boys in quite the situations haven't you? I do not want you hurting neither Danny nor Justin anymore than you have, they are both heartbroken by what you have done , I don't want you whoring around with my children. With this being said, I would like for you not to contact either of them or Damon, you no longer have permission to be a my house, you are to keep your distance from them at school or in any other social area you see them in am I clear?" She says and I know she means it. I look over at Danny who is just looking down like he's about to cry and then Justin who has his elbows on his knees and his head in his hands. "No you aren't clear, I'm not just gonna leave my best friend when he clearly needs me" I put my hand out Dannys way saying I'm talking about him, "I'm just trying to make them both happy in this situation, Just give me a week just exactly 1 week to try and get this figured out and then I promise if it's not settled and over then I will leave and never come back" I beg not wanting to give up a friendship I've built for the past 3 years. "I suppose you can have 1 week but that's it what is today?"she asks not specifically to anybody. "It's Tuesday..."Justin says his voice breaking, still keeping his head in his hands. damnit they are both so hurt I start to tear up. " next Tuesday, if both Danny and Justin don't come up to me with bright smiles telling me it's all worked out and over then you're out and the rules I explained earlier will begin to apply" she states and stand walking out of the room. I just stare blankly and silent tears begin to roll down my cheeks, " I'm sorry..." I say barely above a whisper. Justin looks up with bloodshot tear filled green eyes, "Danny please look at me..." I say and he hesitantly lifts his head. "I didn't know she would take it that far" he shakes his head, "I'm not even the one who told her Justin did" he shoots Justin a glare. "Yeah sorry couldn't help myself but to be sad after you kissed the girl I'm in love with" Justin immediately spits back. " You are dating Maidel !" Danny begins to yell, "She's dating Bean! He's one of your best friends too and just imagine what he will do after he figures out this one!" Justin is now mad, "You wouldn't tell him!" Danny is now too becoming mad. "Oh yeah just wait till I tell him his girlfriend is hoeing around with 2 other people!". Ouch. He's mad just gonna brush that one off. "Did she ever tell you she loves you!?"Danny stands "Cause she told me!because she actually likes me!" "She's like me more--" And That's when it happened. Danny fist collides with Justin's nose. Danny had just punched Justin in the face.

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