Chapter 14

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Rachel's POV

I woke up and looked around. It was a Warehouse. What the fuck? What the hell am I doing in a warehouse. I was tied up in a chair and my mouth was tape shut.

I hear heels Clicking and seen Two girls and Two guys. Kathie, And Sarah. I don't know who the guys were.

"Well, well someone's up" Kathie smirked. I was about to talk but forgot my mouth was taped up.

"I know right Kathie" Sarah said and they both laughed. Wow, sooo corny.

"Anyways we have two people here with you" Kathie smirked. The two guys brought in... Oh my god, Alex and Arizona. What are they pulling?

"Wow. I already like this Plan Sarah what about you?" Kathie smirked at Sarah. "Mmm.. I like it"

I seen Alex and Arizona Crying. But they were on the ground Tied up with tape. These are some sick people.

"Well.. Will come back. We have business to do. Tah, tah" Kathie smiled walking away.

All of them left sitting here in This Warehouse. The twins were crying really hard I saw the Tears come from them.

I didn't cry. It was just sick what these two are doing.


Danni-Grace POV

Last night, Hayes kissed me and I was shocked about it but Hayes said he wanted to take it slow. My stomach was showing but it was getting there.

I have to tell my mom and Dad. They wouldn't be pleased with it. My Parents should know I'm 19 years old and I can take care of myself.

I was doing My homework online when I heard a knock on the door. "Coming!!" I yelled. I walked to the door with my computer and opened it.

It was Hayes. He had flowers and a Envelope. He smiled brightly at me and I looked confused.

"May I come in?" He asked looking at me.

"Sure Hayes" I let him come and I shut the door. I went in the living room and he took my computer.

"Hey!" I Whined. He looked at it. "Danni, your doing College homework?"

"Yeah. You know I'm 19 and a half and I need an education too" He chuckled at my Comment.

"Open this" He smiled handing me the Envelope.

"What is this?" I asked getting it. "Just look at it" He smiles.

I open the Envelope and when I took it out I seen Two tickets to... Hawaii.

"Hayes. Were did you get this?" I ask.

"I bought them online" He smiled.

"And what's this for?" I asked.

"Me and you" He smiled. "When are we going to Hawaii?"

"Next week" He smiled.  I look at him and Started screaming and Hugged him.

"Aww Hawaii!" I yelled and kissed him.

"Yeah. For me you and the baby" He smiles. "We will be just like a family" He smiled kissing me back.

Ahh, I'm officially loving him right now.

Then Hayes Phone ring. He gets it out of his pocket and Answers it.

"Hello... Yeah.. I'm coming" He ends the call and Sighs.

"What's wrong?"

"We have a problem" He says. I looked at him confused.


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