Screw you

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Carl's pov:
The wolves attacked a while ago and now I was sitting in my room doing nothing no one really my dad called me down to get my eye cleaned I walk down stairs to see my dad holding Judith

I smile at him he smiles back and ask"you ready?"I nod I walk into the bathroom as he puts  Judith down and follows me into the bathroom I sit on the toilet wen he switchs the bandages out wen he's all done we hear gun shots outside he looks at me with eyes filled with worry and tells me in a low voice "grab Judith and hide in the attic do not I mean do not come out unless I tell you to" I nod

He walks out of the bathroom with his gun raised we walk out to see a boy about my age to be holding Judith in his arm he looked at her with hope and happiness in his eyes but dint mind to crack a smile I realize what's happening and start to freak out I don't know this guy and he's holding my sister my dad finally decideds to do something about it as he speaks "put her down" he looks at us with blank expression his eyes were these handsome dark forest green that could make anyone smile but they seemed dull blank almost he speaks in a flat tone voice with no emotion

"Maybe but after both of you take off all of your weapons" my dad looks at me and nods I take out my knife and gun and set them on the wooden floor of the house he looked at me with a unreadable face then to my father with the same he seemed to Ignore my eye or well not my eye I guess he spoke up snapping me out of my thoughts "follow me" he said heading towards the door my dad went to say something probably something about putting Judith down but he was cut of wen he "I won't speak if I were you"

We followed him out to see this army of people I looked around to see Maggie and Glenn on there's knees tied up along with Daryl,carol,Abraham,Sasha,Tara and everyone else in are small broken family I saw everyone except Enid I count help but be a little worried

To guys grabbed me from the side and cared me over to them with my dad struggling to get out of the same situation I was in they dropped us to are knees and and tied my hands behind my back same with my father

This guy walked up with this baseball bats with barbed wire around it he smirked as he looked at all of us in this helpless position

He spoke breaking the painful silence "I should introduce my self,I'm Negan and today most of you are going to die.........,bring the kid here" the boy that was holding Judith handed her over to Negan with hesitation but did it anyways Negan spoke again "now tell me where your supplies is or well this cute little baby won't be so cute" the boy looked generally confused and spoke "but you said no one was getting killed today" he asked in a hush but harsh tone of voice

Negan spoke again "shut up nick and go search a house or something" I guess his name was nick,he has a look of anger on his face as he snapped "FINE whatever screw you" he walked away taking his gun out of his back pocket he barged into a house I saw a look of worry and regret cross Maggie's face

As I heard a scream and gun shots comeing from the house Nick entered seconds ago one of the Windows on the top floor shattered and a scream of "SHUT THE HELL UP"some of negans people went rushing in and carried out a passed out Enid and Nick walked out behind the them holding a part of his arm,I notice that Enid's knife was there in his arm and with that he fainted

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