Life isnt worth it anymore

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We walked slowly like we had no where to be witch honestly we dint. I would so often kick rocks on the ground at Carl to make him mad witch was funny but except that I was bored out of my mind.

I walked slowly behind Maggie who walked depressingly slow. I just wanted to put on my turn single and pass her, I soon realized that she was walking like she was pregnant. I slowly put together the clues, like he baby numb along with he walk along with bitchy attitude.

I felt bad not only for her but also the baby, when I watched my father kill those two men I count believe my eyes as I'm guessing her too because I soon figured out that the man names Glenn was her husband and also that baby's father who had this gruesome death that would scar the baby if it were to see that.

I came to a quick stop, when I heard rick whistle. I looked around to see we were in this small town with a small amount of building most being stores or inns as the houses were set I the side.

Rick soon giving out orders me not really listening till I heard my name."Dominick will go with me and Carl" Rick stated

He looks at me like he was excepting something,so I nodded to show I heard him

We headed out all of the separate groups going in different directions

I followed slowly behind rick and cake as they walked I front of me, I look around to see this bare city with the burnt building and the casual dead body's on the ground, I only shrug it off I'm use to it now you kinda have to be

We all walked to a entrance of a tall building, rick opened the door in one hard push. We walked in slowly, rick banged on the wall next to us trying for figure out if there were any walkers in the building

When one low groan came from a close by room all of are heads snapped that way we all slowly walked over and looked on the small room to see a male walker chained to a desk

With the words 'life isn't worth it anymore' carved into its chest. Only then do I realize the lady siting in the desk chair with a gun pointed to her own head, she seemed limp, dead with she was.

I put it to gayer to see she only used this walker as suicide note as a piece of paper to write her last words on, it was the sick truth that we only see each other as objects now

I guess I can't deny that's how I think about people too walkers or not that's how I was raised I was raised from the 11 to only use people for your own survival

You would use people only to protect you only to use as a shield from the dark thing called reality from the dark demons outside, from the walking dead

I snapped back into reality as Carl clears his throat, I realize rick is no longer in the room and it's only us two. I look at him expecting him to say something after clearing his throat

"Umm my dad wants us to check this room and the other office room across the hall" he says, I nod in agreement

I start looking around the room opening all the draws to the desk to find nothing to are use. I take the gun out of the lady's hand and check it for ammo when I see it has one round left I stick it in my holster

As we walk to the room across the hall to the next room I catch a glance of a door under the stairs, I stop in my tracks and head for the door and quickly open the small door to see a small confined room with racks with canned food on the shelfs along with bottled water

I feel Carl standing behind me, it sends shivers down my spine. I jump back when a walker jumps out of the corner of the small room. I stumble backwards into Carl and we both fall onto are butts.

I grab the gun out of my holster and shoot the walker right through the eyes. Rick comes rushing down the stairs, by the time he's in the same room as us were both already on are feet.

I clear my throat and gesture towards the small room with the good amount of food and water in it.

He looks in the small room and smiles he gives me a nice pat on the back, he checks his watch and speaks

"we should start packing this stuff up we have to meet the group in a Half a hour to start heading back go Alexandria"

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