Chapter 4

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I felt as if I were dying at that moment. All the breath left my body in a single, quiet gasp. I didn't make another sound.

Maybe I couldn't believe that I was looking at Russia, a man whose existence I had been doubting. Maybe I couldn't believe that the melancholic man I observed in an old picture looked so much better in real life.

So much better.

I probably looked like an idiot just standing there, not talking. Russia's countenance morphed with confusion.

"Are you alright?" He asked. Reality yanked me out of my trance, but then I was rendered speechless by the embarrassment of the situation. My cheeks, already red from the cold, began to burn.

Belarus, who knew that this conversation was going nowhere, stepped out from behind me. When she appeared, Russia visibly stiffened, as if he were repressing the urge to run back into his house. None the less, he forced a smile.

"Ah, s-sis! What brings you here so late at night?" He asked nervously. Belarus gave him an awkward grin of her own.

"I've brought you..." She paused and regarded me carefully. "A gift," She finished, fixing her gaze on her brother. "She can speak for herself, I assure you. The cold must have worsened her nerves."

"A gift?" Russia repeated, confused. He looked at me and I forced myself to look back. I timidly fixed my hair and smiled. I waved so hard that I popped my wrist.

"Hello," I said in Russian, "I am (Name)."


Whenever my sisters visited me, it took a lot of effort just to keep calm. Whether it was my older sister crying about something or my younger sister proposing to me (again), their presences almost always promised a headache.

I thought that tonight would be no different, until I saw another woman out on my porch. (Name), she called herself. A pretty name for a pretty woman (who also spoke my language).

Apparently, she was some sort of gift. I wondered just what Belarus was planning. Unfortunately, I knew that I wouldn't find out until I let them in. So I stepped aside in the doorway.

"Please, come in," I said. I never thought that I'd be so willing let Belarus into my house (she usually comes in anyway, invited or not).

Belarus pushed (Name) into my house. I followed along and shut the door after myself. The girls took the small sofa while I sat in my recliner. Once we were all seated, I spoke again.

"So, sis," I started, "You say (Name) is a gift?"

"Yes." She replied. (Name) nodded in agreement eagerly. Secretly, I was glad that she was starting to open up (most people aren't happy whenever I'm near).

"I don't understand what that means exactly..." I trailed off. Usually, people don't give each other away as gifts. I hoped that this woman wasn't being threatened in any way.

Belarus sighed. From the look on her face, I could tell she didn't want to explain herself. I knew she would, though; for me, she'd do anything.

"I've been doing a lot of thinking for the past few days. About you." I resisted the urge to cringe. I silently prayed that this wasn't another one of her elaborate plans to get me to marry her. "I...I've done a lot to you that I regret. I want to make things right."

I was taken aback. This was definitely not what I expected.

"What do you mean?" I couldn't help but wonder where she was going with this.

Light My Heart (Russia x Reader X Belarus)Where stories live. Discover now