Chapter 5

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By the time we finished dinner (and the girls had stopped arguing), it was nearly ten o'clock.

"Oh, boy, it's late!" (Name) said, stretching and yawning.

"I wasn't planning to stay quite this long." Belarus said, looking slightly embarrassed.

"It's alright, sis. You two can stay with me tonight." I looked at them with a hopeful smile. (I really didn't want them to leave, not after we've been getting along so well!)

"R-Really?" Belarus asked in an unusually soft voice. I couldn't blame her for being surprised. I rarely invited her to stay with me (after finding her hiding in my room so many times, I usually made it a necessary point to get her out of my house before I went to bed).

"Well, that was fast," (Name) muttered. "If you really want us to, then it's your call." Her cheeks were turning red and I almost winced.

I hope she didn't think I was trying to make a move or anything. I didn't mean make it sound like I normally invited women to stay the night the first time we met (or in other words, I wasn't trying to sound like France).

"Please don't take that the wrong way," I tried to clarify, "I don't want you two to have to get back on the plane this late. You've done more than enough traveling today, da?"

(Name) stroked her chin and nodded. "Yeah, you're right!"

"I'd be happy to stay tonight, Big Brother," Belarus said. It was obvious that she was trying to keep her voice under control. I saw a certain glint in her eyes.

Belarus didn't want to worry (Name), but just as I suspected, that deep infatuation she's always had with me hadn't faded just yet. I nodded and smiled anyway.

"Great," I said, "I have two guest rooms. You know where they are, right, Bela?"

She nodded. "Let's start cleaning up." She got up and started picking up the dishes. (Name) and I followed suit.

As soon as the last dish was put away, Belarus headed for the stairs.

"Come on, (Name)," She said without looking back at us.


"Good night, Russia," I let the foreign words roll off of my tongue as I hurried after Belarus.

"Sweet dreams." Russia said from behind me.

I looked at Belarus, who was quickly walking up the stairs. She made no sound as she moved.

"Natalya?" I called out to her.

"What?" She asked.

"There's no rush to get to bed, is there? Are you okay?" I tried to grab onto her sleeve, but she whisked her arm away.

"I'm fine. Just tired." She said curtly. I narrowed my eyes at her icy tone. Of course, she'd never tell me if something was wrong.

"Okay," I sighed, "You can always talk to me if something's up." She scoffed, but I could tell she appreciated my effort.

We got up to the top of the stairs. It led into a hallway with more doors.

"There's one of the guest rooms," Belarus pointed to a dark, open room. There wasn't much in it from what I could tell.

"Okay, good night," I said softly. She had already walked away.

I walked into the guest room and turned on the light. The walls were plain gray, with black blankets on the bed. There was a nightstand, lamp, and a wardrobe.

Light My Heart (Russia x Reader X Belarus)Where stories live. Discover now