Utos Niya Character #3

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Job: Chairman of the board of directors Starcross East Division and also the head of the project management team

Family Background: An only child. His father (Russian descent with a trace of Filipino blood) is the co-president of a famous hotel chain, his mother was a former Korean American professor in the States. 

Relationship status:

Body built: 5’10 in height, lean figure

Friends: Since Cruz is a friendly human being, there are too many names to mention.

Does he have a bestfriend? Yes. Chezka Sophymia Ross

Describe this person: A hopeless romantic. A blind optimist.

How does he deal with stress? As much as possible, Cruz tries to be stupidly positive about everything.

Favorite book?  The Art of War

First character appearance: Chapter 7 Tormenting Night

First line: "H-Hello?" Inaantok na sagot ng lalaki sa kabilang linya.

Chapter dedicated to him: Utos Niya Side Story : The Other Guy after Ch. 47

Sports: He hardly plays any sport— there is no time for extreme outdoor activities because of work. He is more into board games (e.g. game of the generals, chess, and monopoly).

Pastime: Solving crossword puzzles on newspapers, reading, and dancing.

What is the most embarrassing thing ever to happen to him? Too many to mention. Too painful to talk about.

Strongest positive or personality trait:  He is very affectionate and sensitive to females.

Sense of humor: Gentle sense of humor

Philosophy in life: Fuck logic when it involves female tears. 

Opinion of himself: A besotted fool.

Most important thing to know about this character: It is his nature to treat women as paragons

His bad habits: He tends to interfere a lot. His friend Senri accuses him of messiah complex.

What is messiah complex? It is a state of mind in which an individual holds a belief they are, or are destined to become a savior (google).

Who’s his first love? Chezka Sophymia Ross

If he could change one thing about himself, what would it be? His name.

In what situation would he become violent? When he sees the people he cares about get hurt.

What is his greatest regret? As of the moment, he regrets taking Xander’s offer as Noleen’s protector.

Is Cruz a virgin? Definitely not, but as much as Cruz enjoys sex, he never slept with a woman he didn’t care about.

Cruz’current feelings or thoughts? Sanayan lang yan.

This list would be updated. Suggest kayo ng possible questions :>

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