6~ Escape

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I don't understand how he can still love me, but he does.
I don't understand how they can still like me, but they do.
I don't understand how I still live,
But I do.

Vaguely I heard a small boy screaming my name, but I couldn't open my eyes.
I heard an older boy talking in a calming, but worried tone.
Then I felt someone swooping me up in his arms, but I was too weak to do something about it. Honestly, I couldn't care less. I just wanted to die on my own, since I knew that I was walking on the edge of death.
I drifted off in unconsciousness once again...

I was laying on something soft, I assume it was a bed.
I wasn't laying in the freezing cold anymore, it was actually pretty warm.
"Amirah.. please wake up."
I didn't want to open my eyes, but nonetheless I fought to get them open, curiosity winning it from the tiredness.

I slowly opened my eyes, and Peter Pan came up in my vision.

I jerked up, or at least, I tried to, before I fell down on the bed again.

"WHY did you bring me here?" I hissed, my throat hurting.
"I think it's best that you lay down and don't move for a while, I'll get you some water." Peter said, not answering my question.
"I told you to leave me alone. I can take care of myself." I spoke coldly.
"You were dying from blood loss and low body temperature, do you call that 'taking care of yourself'?" He mocked.

"Maybe I wanted to die."

"Might be, but I didn't want you to die."

I didn't want to too.

Peter left me alone, probably to get me some water. I sighed and scooted in a more comfortable position. Nothing was really comfortable. My whole body hurt.
"Amirah?" I suddenly heard a small boy whisper. "Misha!" I let out a sigh of relief. He shuffled on his feet, not sure if he would approach me. "It's okay sweetie, you can come closer." I comforted him. I saw a smile appearing on his face as he ran to me.

"Amirah! You're back!" He opened his arms as if he was going to hug me. "Misha, there's one rule when we're talking, okay? Don't touch me. It's for your own safety. Do you remember our conversation about the fireworks?" I said sharply before he could hug me. He immediately dropped his arms. "Yeah, sorry. I almost forgot." He smiled.

A glass of water fell on the ground.

"So you told him." I heard a voice from behind.

"Peter.... I can explain.." I whispered, tears of guilt beginning to form in my eyes as I realized he heard our conversation.

"You told him but not me. You trusted him, but not me." He said, his voice more emotional with every word.

"I wanted to protect you.." I whispered.

"You caused me more pain than I've ever felt. You teared me up with every visit, nonetheless I still came to visit you. You are the reason I abandoned all hope on a happy life. And you did all of that to protect me?"
His voice turned from emotional to cold as ice.

"And you.... You were supposed to tell me! You broke two rules here. Two very important rules. Never keep information from me and never visit her! Do you remember?" Peter walked up to Misha, madness in his eyes.

"Stop! It was my fault! Leave the boy alone!" I screamed. This caused him to turn back to me.
"It's all my fault. I know that. It's my fault that I'm a monster, it's my fault that you were in so much pain and it's my fault that I messed up this family! I don't belong here. I don't belong anywhere, except from hell. You should never have brought me here in the first place." Tears were streaming down my face as I was choking on the words that had been in my head for so long.

Peter's expression softened.

"Bringing you here was the best decision I've ever made. You're not a monster, Amirah. You're an angel." He walked over to my bed, sitting on the edge. "Don't come so close, I might hurt you.." All of the energy was drained from my body again. I shouldn't have screamed that much. He lifted his hand up and brought it to my face. Not yet touching my skin.
"Don't touch me." I kept repeating it, powerless against his reassuring eyes. "I can." He said as his hand lightly touched my cheek.

And nothing happened.

Maybe I'm not a monster after all.

Wow.. Hey! Haven't been uploading in forever! It was just school and things and all of that and it got me so stressed that I kind of totally forgot about this story. Sorry! But hey, I'm fully back now and onto writing! I can't wait to continue writing!

You'll be the death of me ~A Peter Pan fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now